Chapter 28

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White, hot pain pulsated through his shoulder, and he ground his teeth in agony. When he heard the van speed away, he mustered every ounce of strength in his dwindling supply and sat up.

As he reached a sitting position, his head swam, and he fought to maintain consciousness.

Annie needs me. I've got to get to her.

He sat for a moment and waited until his head cleared. Nausea crashed over him like white caps hitting boulders on the beach.

His mind replayed the exchange with the man who spared his life. Trevor could instantly see the man pointing the gun had no desire to kill him. The way his lip quivered and his hand trembled and the uncertainty dancing in his russet eyes. Though the first shot hadn't killed him, he was fairly confident a second bullet hole would be the end of him, so he used the obvious hesitation of his opponent to his advantage.

"You really don't want to do this," he forced his voice to remain calm and even.

"I didn't want to be involved in any of this," the man sighed and shook his head. "But I'm in too deep. There's no way out. If the Boss finds out I didn't finish you, he'll kill both of us. I've got a family...he might kill them too."

"How would he find out?"

"He's got eyes everywhere...he would know."

Trevor's breathing grew labored and he squinched his eyes shut as a rush of pain overwhelmed him. When he opened his eyes, the barrel of the gun was pointed directly in his face.

Dear God, please...get me out of this alive somehow. I need to get to Annie. Oh, Lord, I just got her back. Don't let me lose her again. And please don't let them hurt her.

A shot rang through the woods sending birds skittering from their perches into the gray, chilly sky. He cracked an eye open and saw the assassin with his gun pointed into the air, a look of relief washed over his features.

"Look, Trevor," his voice was suddenly authoritative and firm even though he whispered. No longer did the man cower or tremble. "I'm sorry I had to shoot you, but if I didn't it would blow my cover. I had to make all of this look convincing. Your wound is a through and through to the shoulder, so as long as you get it bandaged up, you'll be fine. We were in contact a few days ago...I'm MeowMeow. Trust me, I'm on your side. I know you have a tracking device on Annie, use it...get to her. I need to keep up appearances with the meathead in the van. Gotta go. When you get to Annie, I'll be there to help you."

"How do you know she's wearing a tracking device?"

MeowMeow scoffed, "I'm in the CIA...I could tell you, but then I really would have to kill you."

Without another word he rushed to the waiting van and climbed in before it sped away.

Rising to his feet, he fought the dizziness from blood loss. He pulled the first aid kit from the back of the pickup and collected the items he needed to stop the bleeding and bind his wound. He would be of no use to Annie if he bled out in the middle of nowhere.

After tending to his wound, he climbed into the pickup and the engine roared to life. Slipping his phone from his pocket, he pulled up the app he'd synced with the tracker. When he got a bead on her location, he pulled out of the forest and raced in her direction.

I'm coming for you, Annie. I won't lose you again, Baby.

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