Chapter 25

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            Bagwell stood in an open field speaking with two CIA agents. He knew the taller one as Agent Sloan and the shorter as Agent Trask. He crossed his arms over his chest as the two hotshots let him know they were taking the reins.

The setting sun cast long shadows. Soon it would be dark enough to begin their search for Annie Turner. Somewhere in the softer part of his heart, he hoped he wouldn't have to kill the man who was with her at the hotel. The only reason he took this job was to pay off a debt of his father's. Now he was stuck in the middle of something he never dreamed he would be a part of.

At least the boss wanted Annie alive. Whatever he decided to do to her after would not be his problem to deal with.

The helicopter stood in the field a few hundred yards away. Though he hated what he was about to do, it was a necessary evil. Once this job was over, he would go back to his wife and children and put this whole thing far, far behind him.


"Do you remember that one week where we tried to check off as much on each other's bucket lists as we could?" Annie laughed at the memories flooding her mind as they sat together beside the campfire. Sparks crackled and danced upward, and the black, night sky was studded with a countless number of stars twinkling their approval from their positions on high.

"How could I ever forget that?" Trevor chuckled. "It was the greatest week of my life! Do you remember how many awesome things we did?"

"Yes. We went bungee jumping...which was on your list if I recall and skydiving."

"And I came over at three in the morning to watch the Royal Wedding with you."

"Wasn't it beautiful?" she sighed.

"Eh, it was ok...I just came for the tea and scones you made," he laughed as he dodged her playful slap. "We climbed the water tower that day too and saw the sunrise."

"Mm-hmm," she bit her lip. "That might have been my favorite day."

"My favorite day was when we drove to the state line and stood with one foot in Illinois and one foot in Indiana, so we could be in two places at once."

"That was fun. Or when you made the world's best cup of coffee!"

He laughed and wiped a tear from the corner of his eyes. "Right! I forgot about that! How was it even possible to know it really was the best coffee in the world?"

"I don't want to brag," Annie shrugged and tried to hide a grin, "but I am pretty familiar with coffee. I can honestly say it was the best coffee I ever had."

"It's settled then," he smiled.

"You know...that week when you made an overly big deal about the scones I made for our Royal Wedding watch party?"

"I didn't make a bigger deal than what they deserved. They were delicious!"

"That was the first time I seriously played with the idea of opening the bakery. It was what I always wanted to do, but I was too scared to actually do it until you gave me the encouragement I needed."

"You had nothing to be nervous about. Everything you do is amazing...there was no way your business could have been anything but successful." He took her cold hand in his, and a wave of heat crept up her arm. "Who is running the bakery while you're away?"

"As soon as I knew things were going to get crazy, I called Kim. She is having her niece help her keep things going." She bit her lip and sighed. The glorious familiarity of busy mornings in the shop felt so very far away. Almost like a dream.

"What's wrong?" He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.

She shook her head, "It's hard to put into words. I just feel like so much has changed...will we ever be able to get back to normal after all this? Will this ever be over, or is this what life will be like from now on?"

"I don't know," the look in his eyes melted her into jelly. "But whatever happens, I know I love you." When his lips covered hers and his arms pulled her against his chest, she closed her eyes and held onto him for dear life. Heat crashed through her like waves on the shore.

A low, distant humming tore them apart, and she suddenly felt cold and empty. A helicopter came into view. It flew just above the treetops.

Trevor sprang to his feet throwing water on the fire until smoke rose and curled from the ash.

The hand of fear sunk its claws in Annie's stomach. "Are they looking for us?"

"It's hard to say," his eyes were fixed on the now empty sky overhead. "I don't want to take any chances though.

With the fire out of play, a chill settled into Annie's bones. "I'm getting tired, but somehow it seems indecent to sleep in the tent with you tonight."

"Why's that? You didn't have any problem snuggling with me last night." He winked and her cheeks caught fire.

"Last night I didn't like you very much. Tonight....well, tonight's different."

He smiled. "Don't worry, I'll try and keep my hands off you."

As they lay on their respective sides of the tent zipped up in their sleeping bags, Annie shivered. She heard a zip and looked over to see Trevor holding his hand out to her. Placing her hand in his, the cold fled away.

"Are you warm enough?" his voice was tired and husky.

"I am when you're holding my hand."

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it sending fire through her veins and into her heart.

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