Come To Me (Siren Song)

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Come To Me

Come to me my sailor blue, swim across the seas to me.
And when you come all troubles go, peace will follow your journey.

So come to me my sailor blue, sail across the waves to me.
Journey through the storms and tides, come to my island home.

Come now my sweet sailor blue, save me from the depths.
Bring me to the starry sky, bring me to the trees so high.

Come to me my sailor blue, and give your soul to save me.
Come now my sweet sailor blue, and all your dreams will come true.

Come to me my sailor blue, and give your soul to me.
Give me your soul my sailor blue, then cross to the other side.

Give me your soul my sailor blue, then cross to the other side.
Come to me and give your soul, come to me my sailor blue.

Here there are 2 options. Option 1:Bubble song* then repeat song until desired end.

Option 2:second song stage: do bubble song then continue on to the next set of lyrics (next page).**

Come now my traveler green, travel over land and sea.
Come to me my traveler, and let all your troubles free.

Come to me my traveler green, journey over hills and plains.
Journey through forests, journey over the sea.

Come to me all you travelers, give your souls to me.
Appease the nature of the world, and give your souls to me.

Come to me my traveler green, appease the world and give your soul to me.
Come now my traveler, and give your soul to me.

Come to me all you travelers, and all your wishes will be freed.
Give me your souls my travelers, then cross to the other side.

Give me your soul my traveler, then cross to the other side.
Come now and give your soul, come to me my traveler green.

Bubble song then repeat the whole song until desired end.

*Notes: The bubble song is the random haunting notes/melody essential to every siren song.

**Notes: the second set of lyrics would happen after the siren had absorbed (also know as consumed or eaten) enough souls to travel on land as well as just the seas.

Additional notes: The closer a siren is to water, or the sea, the stronger their song will be. Also, the fuller the moon phase, the stronger the song will be as well. Therefore, a siren will be strongest on a full moon while in the ocean.

Thanks for reading! How did you guys like the siren song? What are your thoughts?

I'll see you next time!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out

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