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Fire crackles in the dawn
With a whisper and a sigh.
Embers leap and dance.
Some are white
And blistering,
Some are red
And never

The embers nestled in the flame
Tell a secret story
In a language always heard
But seldom understood.
The fire hums a forbidden song
As it nestles beneath a blanket
Of soothing ash.
But does it mean to calm
Or prevent a secret told?

What secrets do the flames withhold?
What could these tongues share?
Fire leaps in the night
But with a whisper and a sigh
Is smothered by the ash,
Still with a dancing story
Yet untold.
With a whisper and a sigh
The glowing flame
Returns to rest.
Thank you for reading! What are your thoughts?

I'll see you next time!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out

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