The Mad-Titan Thanos drawing

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Hmmm Ever wonder who else died after Thanos's snap?

Hmmm Ever wonder who else died after Thanos's snap?

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Voldemort: Nagini........I don't feel so good

Nagini: *in Parseltongue* My lord?

Harry Potter: *watches as voldemort disappears*

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Harry Potter: *watches as voldemort disappears* .....oh well *shouts at the sky* THANKS WHOEVER DID THIS.


Hey guys, today I decided to update my book, since yesterday I couldn't update because of the exams I decided to postpone till Wednesday AND since it is Wednesday, happy Humpday. Today's chapter I will present to you my first attempt on a Thanos drawing. And since we are on the topic of Thanos, comment below the part in Infinity War (the characters death) where you cried. Honestly....I cried when Loki died. YES  I CRIED IN THE FIRST 10 MINUTES OF THE MOVIE SHUT UP. And also comment below if you guys survived The Snap, if not then just put a wind emoji if they have that.

Okay this wasn't my best work and it is blurry as hell, hey you try to take a picture on a gloomy, chilly day

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Okay this wasn't my best work and it is blurry as hell, hey you try to take a picture on a gloomy, chilly day.

So the reason I said this wasn't my best work is because I couldve drew this bigger but I was so afraid of messing up the facial structure and the body that I just stuck with this. This drawing didn't take any long to draw it took me at least 20 minutes to draw then 15 mintues to color. And since this drawing wasn't so big at all I decided to draw the Infinity Stones (well more like my mom told me to draw them) so in case any of you fellas don't remember the names of the stones here they are.....just the picture. Honestly sometimes I don't even remember the stones i come up with some weird  meanings for the stones:

Time: I call it the "Doctor Strange should've put this down the drain" or "should've sent it to Barry Allen from The Flash cause we all know how much he loves to screw up the timeline" stone.

Power: I call it the "The stone that should've killed Star-Lord"

Space: I call it the "Loki's obsession" stone. Get it? cause he was so obsessed with the damn Tesseract that he got the Asguardians killed.

Reality: I call it the "Is this the real life? or is this just fantasy? stone". If you guys don't get this lyric part from one of my favorite song then you are not my friend.

Soul: I call it the "Was it really worth killing Gamora over?" stone.

Mind: I call it the "Vision's Brain" stone.

Honestly me coming up with those types of names and meanings for these darn stones helped me remember the names. 

The reason I drew Thanos was because my mom bought me this awesome Bracelet from the Mall:

The reason I drew Thanos was because my mom bought me this awesome Bracelet from the Mall:

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She's awesome :D.


Anyways, I sincerely hope you guys like this drawing I am sorry for not posting this yesterday blame the exams. If you guys want me to re-draw this drawing then I will try and do so right now I'm currently drawing some Anime....famous people, not going to ruin the surprise, so yeah comment below if you want me to redraw it. If you guys like this then that is awesome cause it means a lot to me. 

Have a great rest of your day


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