R2-D2 Drawing and shoutouts!

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Hey everyone before I start this chapter off I want to give out a shoutout to 2 of my favorite authors, 


They are both incredible. There is one story out there by BadAssKatanaGurl that I like so far and it is called  Make Me Love You, that story is an Olivarry fic and it is currently on hiatus but the author replied to my comment saying "new chapter coming" so I am just waiting for the story to be updated. The author has made 59 works so far I haven't checked them out yet I'm currently finishing up reading other books that I have saved in my Libary. So yeah check them out and be sure to follow the author too :)

StarsandSnows is the author of a story call Save Me, I'm Lost it is a Drarry fic (cause you know I ship the heck out of Drarry)  and I love it so far, that story is slowing being updated I read the recent chapter that the author has posted and it said under the author's note saying that the Instagram where I'm thinking he/she keeps his/hers story is acting up, crashing so it is taking a while for the author to update the story. StarsandSnows has made 2 works I still yet need to check out the other story he/she wrote. 

So be sure to check them out and follow them I'm sure they don't mind :D

Without further a do let's go


Alright so in the last chapter I presented my BB-8 drawing here is now my R2-Dbag- erm D2 drawing:

AND IT IS BLURRY AS HELL I am so sorry to those who are reading this and saw the pic and said "it's blurry" like I said in past chapters my camera sucks I'm using my phone camera which isn't all that great

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AND IT IS BLURRY AS HELL I am so sorry to those who are reading this and saw the pic and said "it's blurry" like I said in past chapters my camera sucks I'm using my phone camera which isn't all that great. Anyways, I happen to like R2-D2 he is super funny and a jerk but I love him. He is probably my second favorite Star Wars droid. Honestly, I wish they could give him subtitles every time he makes a noise but then again.....he curses a lot and I REALLY DONT WANT PEOPLE TO COMPLAIN and I don't want Star Wars to be from rated M or PG-13 to R-rated because of R2-D2 AND I CERTAINLY DONT WANT THIS STAR SPANGLED IDOIT TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE ON STAR WARS JUST TO SAY-

he curses a lot and I REALLY DONT WANT PEOPLE TO COMPLAIN and I don't want Star Wars to be from rated M or PG-13 to R-rated because of R2-D2 AND I CERTAINLY DONT WANT THIS STAR SPANGLED IDOIT TO MAKE AN APPEARANCE ON STAR WARS JUST TO SAY-

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FYI, the reason I brought up Avengers is because they are both Disney and honestly, this could be an awesome crossover Star Wars and Avengers sign me the f up. I mean Tony Stark is stranded out in space it'll be cool if the Resistance found Tony and give him food and oxygen and a pet Porg. OR have Loki who is floating in space hit the ship that Tony is currently in and have him say "YEAH IT'S ME" or "YOUR SAVOIR IS HERE". Ah classic....yeah I do need help

Anyways, that drawing was my first attempt and honestly, that's my best work, I worked very hard on the drawing and it turned out well

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Anyways, that drawing was my first attempt and honestly, that's my best work, I worked very hard on the drawing and it turned out well. Since R2's body is white I decided to use one of my drawing pencils to color it in slightly giving it a greyish, whiteish color so it didn't look like I just colored part of the body in and just gave up halfway there. This drawing took me at least 20 minutes to draw (it took long because I was tweeting so yeah I got distracted) and 5-6 minutes to color in. 

So before I end this I am currently re-drawing Darth Vader because the other drawing did not look so good it was colored in by color pencil so yeah it looks horrible, the reason I brought this up was because that was going to be my next presentation in chapter.....11? 12? shit I can't keep up the next chapter is basically what I was trying to say.


Anyways guys I sincerely hope you guys like this drawing comment below what you guys like about R2-D2 and be sure to follow and read the works of those two authors I mention in the beginning :)

Alrighty that is all for today, I have to go and finish my World History project which isn't due until the end of the 2nd semester which we started a week ago... I'm pretty much done with the research all I have to do is type it all up hahaha yes I'm a nerd hence the name NerdyJaz. 

Peace guys!

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