The Hippocampus Drawing

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Hello everyone and welcome to an all-new today. I am so sorry for not posting yesterday I was busy planning the next chapter for Steve/Barry's love story plus I needed a break from typing cause if you remember, on Monday, I updated Malec Oneshots and Steve/Barry Love Story so yeah my fingers hurt after typing.

Before we start this chapter off, I FINALLY HIT 50 FOLLOWERS so shoutout to
Icey_Bitch (funny name btw lol)

Thank you so much for the follow and thank you to everyone who followed me you guys are amazing. I love you guys so much

 I love you guys so much

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Okay let's get to the chapter, shall we?


So if you guys remember in the past chapters I presented at least 2 drawings of mythical creatures one of them was the Phoneix and the Griffin well today I am presenting another mythical creature and FYI it's blurry as heck >_< 

So if you guys remember in the past chapters I presented at least 2 drawings of mythical creatures one of them was the Phoneix and the Griffin well today I am presenting another mythical creature and FYI it's blurry as heck >_< 

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(I need a better camera asap)

The Hippocampus (Hippocamp or Hippokampos) also known as Sea Horse is a mythical creature shared by Phoenician, Etruscan, Pictish, Roman, and Greek mythology, though its name has a Greek origin. The creature was said to have the head and front legs of a horse and the tail & hindquarter of a serpent or a fish.

The drawing wasn't hard to draw, the hippocampus was a little bit of a challenge but it didn't take me that long to draw and color it in. I was just going to draw the hippocampus with no background but I was like "Nah it needs a background" so I looked at the internet for the Hippocampus and I looked in the background and saw that in the background there was some sea rocks, seaweed and of course bubbles so that's what I put in the drawing and colored the background in blue because that's the color of the ocean. For the Hippocampus, I used a silver gel pen and let me tell ya that stuff is the best, the best tip is, instead of using markers because sometimes they bleed through the paper as permanent markers do, and if you don't want to use color pencils because they are too light and they break easily use gel pens instead, they are bright, they are like markers, they dry faster and it doesn't bleed through the paper. 

Gels pens are like cheaper than color pencils and markers combined, I bought like a huge container of gel pens at Walmart and they cost like 9.00$ or around there (I don't know if they changed the price of the gel pens) I also buy some gel pens from Dollar Store (yes I am that cheap when it comes to art supplies) so my dear artists, I recommend buying gel pens if you are going to color in your drawings, you can use markers if you want to, whatever makes you happy :).

So to conclude this, this drawing took me at least 10 minutes to draw for the Hippocampus and I believe 20 minutes to draw the background and 5-10 to color in. So it didn't take me that long to do this drawing. 

I have at least one more mythical creature drawing that I will present to you guys soon. Don't worry I will draw more but right now I am adding more ideas in my idea books. 

I hope you guys liked my drawing :)


Well, that is the end of the chapter votes and comments are welcome.

I will see you guys next time


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