Black Panther Drawing (redrawn)

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Alright so, I will be taking in between breaks presenting my Pokemon drawings because I forgot...I have superhero drawings I need to present/ free up space on my phone for more...Pokemon...drawings...

But anyway, I hope you guys are doing well, GUESS who's feeling better :D my goodness that cold or mild stage of the flu that both y mom and I had was horrible, I couldn't update at all last week and around Sunday I was able to update Steve/Barry and is currently writing the next chapter and trying to catch up on my Take A  Closer Look updating schedule. But I am writing more parts for this and Steve/Barry and getting hit with Writer's Block which is the bane of my existence but it should be fine.

So today, I will be Black Panther. This attempt of Black Panther I did is amazing. 

I hit 186 followers so shoutout to:











 I think that's all of the followers, but thank you for the follow everyone :)

Alrighty here is the chapter



So if any of you have kept up with this book you know I have a history of messing up drawings especially when it comes to Black Panther, no matter what I always mess him up like that one Avengers Special chapter where Endgame was about to come out and I did a special chapter about it and presented a messy drawing of Black Panther, I actually rushed through the drawing because the deadline of updating the chapter was near and I had to hurry up. Well, a few months back I was able to redraw Black Panther and TOOK MY TIME, carefully went over the lines with silver and color the picture in.  And this is how the drawing came out:

  And this is how the drawing came out:

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One word: Perfection

Two words: Freaking Awesome

that is how I describe this drawing. I wasn't expecting it to come out perfect whatsoever I am so proud of myself. But this drawing almost became the bane of my existence you know how the Jin drawing was on top of the 'bane of my existence list?' T'Challa here almost beat out Jin, surprise surprise. This drawing was my 10th attempt....10th but I am not that mad because I was able to draw him still and didn't give up halfway through. Black Panther might've been hard to draw but the coloring part aka the finishing touches was satisfying and I realized it was all worth it. 

So what I did after outlining, I outlined the line part silver. I used a silver color pencil and went over the lines a little bit to make the picture come out bold when I colored it in with the black color pencil. I love how bold my drawing came out, I tried doing that with all of my drawings but sometimes it looks better without the boldness like just recently I was coloring in one of my pokemon drawings and I was going to make the drawing bold but I realized the drawing is already bold because of the colors I used to color in this pokemon. I will talk more about it when I find a way to get my camera to work again and I will explain it better.

I hope you guys like this drawing, this took me a while to get it perfect I am done drawing Black Panther, this is the only attempt that came out perfect and I am not thinking about redrawing him because...well it doesn't have to be. What I'm trying to say is, it is like the Jin drawing, bane of the existence finally got the perfect attempt and you're done and that's what I'm saying about dear old T'Challa...I'm done this will be the last time I would be drawing Black Panther.

So anyway, I cannot wait for the second Black Panther, I know I say that a lot in my Black Panther drawings (I'm pretty sure I talked about the 2nd movie during my Killmonger presentation) but I just can't wait I just want to know what's going to happen after Endgame, not to mention how T'Challa will react after finding out he was 'snapped' I also want to see the new big bad and if they are going to have a crossover with other movies or tv shows. Whatever their plan is I have a feeling it's going to be a fun one. 

Comment down below your early reactions to hearing about Black Panther 2. What do you think their plans will be? 



Okay, guys, I am ending the chapter here, yes I know it is a short one normally my Take A  Closer Look chapters are short I try to make them longer than usual but all I am doing is presenting an artwork talking about how long it took to draw it and talk about other things related to that drawing but I hope you guys like the chapter votes and comments are welcome

I will see you next time


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