Pokemon Drawing #5

16 3 5

Hello everyone I hope you guys are doing well. *breathes rapidly* I'm not okay I'm going through hell, school work and practicing for my SATs which is literally less than 2 weeks I am freaking out I didn't know as an 11th grader you have to take your damn SATs so I am literally going in blind because the practices suck I literally suck at them so yeah looks like I won't be graduating -_-

Anyways, Wattpad is acting up which is great I am hoping you guys are reading this chapter with no problems and if it seems like something is missing in this book like if the pictures don't go through or it seems like some of my words are missing please let me know so I can scream in my pillow, hit my computer a couple of times, watch some BTS videos to calm me down and re-publish this chapter. Cool? cool *thumbs up*

So in today's chapter, I will be showing off 3 more pokemon drawings, give you information, talk more about my pokemon playthroughs and more. 

I hit 188 followers so shoutout












Thanks for the follow everyone :)

Also guys there is a new video by BTS out right now it's called 'Black Swan' I love it I saw it once and it is beautiful especially their dance moves. If you guys haven't seen it yet I recommend you see it. 

Alrighty here is the chapter



Alright so this first drawing, Clefairy

Alright so this first drawing, Clefairy

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Name: Clefairy 

National Number: 035

Height: 2'00"

Category: Fairy Pokemon

Weight: 16.5 lbs

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