Hyde x OC

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info: Set in later seasons but before the show went downhill. Season 4-ish.

[If you don't like Hydes actor, I imagine either Dylan Jones from the british remake Days Like These (who I honestly think is hotter anyway, sorry not sorry lol) or Heath Ledgers character in 10 Things I Hate About You. That's just what I do so yeah.]

"GOO GOO G'JOO, GOO GOO GOO G'JOO. I AM THE WALRUS!" Layla screams into the silent house as the basement door slams against the concrete wall. She stumbles into the basement drunkenly.

"Okay... you gotta stop, the Forman's are sleeping, man you have to be quiet." He chuckles and leads her to the back room of the basement.

"WELL YOU SAY YA WANT A REVOLUTION, WELL YA KNOW, WE ALL WANT TO SAVE THE WORLD!" She yells even louder and runs to the couch.
"Steven you're in the lava you gotta get up! The floor is lava, man!" She grabs his hand and pulls him up onto the couch.

"God, I'm seriously regretting letting you drink that much. It's time for bed, man." He steps off the grungy couch, takes her hand, and attempts to lead her back to the room.

"Dude dude dude dude..." She looks at him expectantly.


"Dude..." She hiccups and starts singing Walk This Way by Aerosmith.

"Okay, come on Steven Tyler, let's go." He grabs her waist and slings her over his shoulder. Once in the room, he sets her gently onto the cot and covers her with a blanket before turning off the lights and leaving.

"What the hell was all that noise?" Eric stomps down the stairs to see Hyde on the couch watching tv.

"Hey." Hyde waves nonchalantly and glances up at his scrawny friend.

"What are you still doing up?"

"Oh uh. Can't sleep." He lies in an attempt to keep him from going into his room and seeing the passed out girl on his bed. A girl that happens to be Eric's sister.

"What're you watching?" Eric plops himself onto the couch and watches whatever crap is on at 2 am.

"Okay well, I'm tired get out," 

"I won't be able to go back to sleep, I'll just stay down here," Eric replies and gets comfortable on the couch. Steven rolls his eyes and curses under his breath before going back into his room, trying to decide where he's going to sleep. Suddenly, the drunken girl grabs his wrists and pulls him onto the small bed.

"Lava." She says and snuggles up against him. Layla's hand rests on his chest and she continues murmuring. He smirks slightly in the silence of the basement.

"Oh god, my head hurts." She sits up slowly.

"Yeah. Alcohol'll do that to ya." He chuckles and gets out of bed.

"Wait... oh my god Hyde we... we didn't..." her voice trails off in horror. Not because she's afraid of having sex with him, but having sex with him while drunk.

"Oh no, no. I wouldn't take advantage of such a perfect opportunity." He jokes. They both chuckle as she rubs the bridge of her nose.

"Alright, breakfast will help with that hangover. Let's go." He grabs her hand and helps her out of bed.

"Why were you in the basement?" Red asks her suspiciously.

"Woke up early and wanted to watch tv." She lies without missing a beat. Hyde smirks knowingly. Red nods and hands her a plate of food.

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