Chapter 6

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~Next Day~

           I woke up late in the morning and noticed that Daniel wasn't next t me anymore but instead there was a note. I picked it up and it read...

Dear Angel,                                                                                                                                                                                                      I'm so sorry I couldn't say bye to you before I left, but I didn't want to wake you. I made you some breakfast; it's in the oven if you get hungry. I'll call you later when I'm done preforming, I love you.P.S. Only one more week till I see you again.Love, Daniel

I smiled to myself remembering the events that took place yesterday looking at the teddy bear Dani got me and went to the kitchen. When i got in there i opened the oven and saw a plate of eggs, bacon, avocado toast, a bowl of watermelon on the table, and coffee in the coffee pot already. 'What did i do to deserve Dani'  I did have and meetings or shoots today so after I ate I took a shower, put some comfy clothes on and put on Riverdale. I pulled out my phone and texted Daniel.


Hey Dani thx for the breakfast it was great 

Luv you two

Um who are you and why the fuck are you texting my boyfriend                                                           'I couldn't believe what i just read. Is this person for real right now.'

Um what do you mean boyfriend who are you?


Im his girlfriend that he just went to vist yesterday for are 1 year anniversary

Oh so your the sorry pathetic skank he was seeing.

You do know he only dated you for publicity because your  model right.


Yeah sucks for you but if you don't mind me and MY BOYFRIEND were doing something if you know what I mean so bye 👋

Read 3:47

I couldn't believe it. I trusted him and he did the same thing he promised he wouldn't do. I cried for 30 whole minutes until I just decided to go to bed. I dries my self to sleep and woke up around 10 to a bunch a text from Dani. I didn't even bother to open and read them I just blocked him instead along with all the other guys, his family and the guys girlfriends. The only people I didn't block was Gabbie and Jack because I'm closes to them.

Group chat with Gabbi Jack Angelina


Noodels: Angelina are you ok

Surfergirl: We heard what happed

Surfergirl:come on you need to talk to us

Angelina:I just want to curl up in a bawl and die

Angelina:I can't believe I trusted him

Angelina:The whole time it was just for publicity. Did you know Jack?

Noodles:I swear me and the boys had know idea but Daniel is really sorry you should talk to him

Surfergirl:But only if your ready to talk to him

Angelina:I don't know he hurt me really bad guys.

Angelina:I don't know if I could ever forgive him. I knew how bad I was hurt when I was cheated on by my ex, he said he would never do something like that but he did cheat and use me too

Noodles:Ok how about this I know you probably don't want to talk to him in a week when we get off tour so how about you me and Gabbie go on a vacation somewhere

Surfergirl:Yeah you could use a getaway and hey you might even meet someone new

Angelina:ok fine I'll go on a vacation with you guy's but I don't know about the whole guys thing

Angelina:It was hard enough to trust Dani and look were that got me

Angelina:I just think I'm done with the whole datting thing it never ends well for me anyways

Surfergirl:ok girl whatever is good for you but I'm board my plane now to come out to LA so I'll text you later

Angelina:Wait what how

Surfergirl:when I heard what happened I booked a flight right off the bat

Angelina:Aww thx u really need you right now

Surfergirl: good and text Anna will yah shes worried about you

Angelina: fine I'll unblock her but when does your flight come in

Sugargirl: around 1 can you pick me up

Angelina:yeah ofcores stay safe

Sufergirl:i will thx bye

Noodles:bye ima be there in 1 week so try and have fun without me😂

Angelina:dont worry we will


read 11:19

I went to go text Anna because we did become really good friends because of Daniel.
Anna Angina normal



Come on you can't ignore me forever

Please answer...


OMG you answered I'm so sorry for what Daniel did I heard I swear I don't know anything

It's OK I believe you but can you gone over

Yeah of course I can let me just pack I bag

OK oh and I'm pick up Gabbi from the Airport at 1 so when you get here just meet me at the front

OK see you later


Read 12:30

Gabbi was going to be here in a little so I washed my face from crying so much and put eye drops in my eyes since they were red, brushed my teeth, put my hair in a messy bun I went to my car. I got down to the lobby and saw Anna with a small carry in suitcases opening her arms for a hug. I hugged back and said are hellos. When we got in the car it was just small talk with a big elephant in the room. When we got to LAX Gabbie came and we just went back home. When we went back to my apartment we stayed up all night watching Netflix and eating pizza and ice cream. Atleats I have these two in my life.

To be continued

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