The 1st suicidal try......

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The next day at school....

" HEY Y/N WAIT UP!" Lucas says trying to catch up to Y/N when going to class. "What do you want" Y/N says coldly and not a bit of happiness in her voice. "I-I Like you as more than a friend." Lucas says seeing the small glint of surprise and hope coming back into her life. " U-Um i have to go but i guess i like you too..."  Y/N says with a foreign smile that hasn't been used in the past 3-5 years of her life. "I want to be your boyfriend Y/N will you give me that chance" Lucas asks while putting on a bit of a smile while rubbing his neck.  "Y-Yes" Y/N says while walking into her classes. 

2 years  later.................

"Hey! Lucas are you ready for our 3rd anniversary?" Y/N asks while fixing up her dress. "Hey um Y/N I need to tell you something."  Lucas says with fake  sorrow in his eyes. "O-Okay w-what is it?" Y/N asks scared for what will come. "I'm breaking up with you and i had cheated on you with Kokaya about a year and a half ago" Lucas says. That was when Y/N had enough of Lucas and quickly changed her clothes and left. SHe was running and finally came to a stop near a cliff. She was done with the hate, done with the backstabbing, done with everything that he had in life. She jumped off but was caught mid air. she looks up to see a Short black haired guy gripping your arm as if you were someone important to him. He looked down at you like you were part of his family. "pull on my arm" ??? said. Y/N did a told but after getting away from the cliff the guy asked. " Um i have 3 questions. 1;  Why were you crying. 2; Why did you even try to commit suicide  just now and 3; what is your name. " ??? asked breaking the silence and tension that were around and between you and him. " Um I had been getting ready for my 3rd anniversary with my boyfriend and then found out he was dating another girl for the past 1 and 1/2  years without me knowing. And I was depressed before meeting my ex and then he caused all the emotions to flood out of me all over again and its  Y/N. " Y/N says without any emotions  in her voice. "O-Ph um well im Woozi or Jihoon you can come with me Y/N" woozi says  ruffling his hair out of his  eyes. "Fine" Y/N says with a small very small glint of any and every emotion coming into her life once again. 

3 years later.....

"Y/N where are you?" Woozi asks. {Y/N and woozi have became best friends for 3 years so far and today she ran past him while crying after school}. "GO AWAY KOKAYA I DON"T WANT YOU AND YOUR GANG TO BULLY ME AGAIN PLEASE" Y/N screams from a few classrooms away. "Y/N!" Woozi screams coming into the classroom where Y/N was held against the wall while Kokaya and her friends were punching, kicking, even using a dagger to cut up Y/N's face. "KOKAYA YOU ASSHOLE LEAVE HER ALONE!" Woozi screams and Kokaya turns around and blocks Y/N and acts innocent. "B-But oppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa she hurt us and we are just telling her she can't hangout with you or she dies"  Kokaya says in a slutty tone while trying to sound cute. "YOU WON'T FOOL ME I SAW EVERYTHING AND LEAVE HER ALONE OR I WILL SEND THIS AUDIO TO THE PRINCIPLE  AND THEN I WILL FIND YOU AND MURDER YOU WHAT HAS SHE DONE THAT YOU NEED TO PUT HER ON THE BRINK OF DEATH!" I HATE AND WILL NEVER DATE A CRUEL PERSON LIKE YOU" Woozi screams out of anger running over to Y/N and holding her in his arms. 

"I HOPE YOU WILL ROT IN HELL KOKAYA" woozi screams tears running down his  face ass he takes Y/N to the hospital.......

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