02 ~ Yenyul

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Ship: Yenyul (Yena x Yuri)

Group: IZ*ONE

Plot: Yuri is convinced that she isn't going to make it into the debut lineup, and wants to spend what time she has with her best friend in the show.

Tagged: Fluff


Yuri couldn't sleep. She was too worried about their final performance in a few days. She had somehow slipped her way into the finale, but she had no hope of making the final lineup.

She decided to do what she has done every night that she can't sleep in these past three months.

"Unnie? Are you awake?" She whispered.

Yena groaned and peeked her eyes open. She saw the girl and immediately knew what she wanted.

Yena sleepily smirked, opening up her arm so that Yuri could climb under the covers. Yena, out of habit, pulled the younger girl into a tight cuddle. Yuri couldn't help the smile that came on her face, thoughts of the performance seemingly dissipating into thin air.

Here's the thing. Yena like Yuri, like a lot. And the fact that someone like Yuri would even bat an eye in her direction makes Yena feel like the luckiest person on the planet.

However, Yuri is straight. Yena has heard the stories of the younger's ex boyfriends. She hated them all, not only because they hurt the girl, but because they got her in the first place.

Yena decided to stop thinking about everything that she couldn't have and lived in what she did have. She had the most beautiful girl on Earth tight in her hold. She pulled her closer and nuzzled her nose into her soft hair. Drifting off to sleep.


Yena bit at her nails, she was very grateful for being chosen as her team's center for the finale, but it caused her more stress than she thought was possible. Is this how every center this season has felt?

Yuri skipped up to the slightly taller girl with a wide smile. But it turned into a scowl.

Yuri slapped Yena's hand from her mouth. "Yena! What did I tell you about biting your nails?"

Yena chuckled. "Hey! That's Yena-unnie to you."

"Not when you're biting your nails it's not." yuri said, trying to seem serious, but the smile on Yena's face couldn't help but bring one on hers as well.

"You're such a brat."

"Mhm, whatever, don't you have somewhere to be Mrs. Center?" She smiled.

"I'd rather talk to you." Yena said, winking.

If you asked Yuri, she would tell you she absolutely did not blush at that.

"Oh my gosh, such a flirt. Go on, get." The younger replied, shooing Yena away.

Yuri would also tell you that she definitely did not go splash cold water on her face afterwards.


Yena did so well as the center. Yuri couldn't help but feel inadequate. Yena could do everything; dance, sing, rap. She has charisma and doesn't crumble under pressure. She's stunning, not to mention. 'She's everything I want to be.' Yuri thinks to herself.


The places were counting down. Yuijin had just gotten her spot in fifth place, at this point Yuri had lost all hope. Even with the 12th seat still open, her last ranking was 18 out of 20 remaining trainees. She knew that with all of the talent that hadn't been called yet, there was no chance of debuting.

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