05 ~ Kyuwook

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Ship: Kyuwook (Kyuhyun x Ryeowook)

Group: Super Junior

A/U: Harry Potter

Plot: Kyuhyun and Ryeowook have been best friends since their first year, how will things change? (I think you know ;) ).

Dedicated to: InSomniaStays because I told them that I would have a oneshot up like 3 weeks ago but apparently I'm a liar. Anyway here it is now Solstice xoxo.

Tagged: basically just fluff

Stan Super Junior


An eleven year old Ryeowook sat anxiously in an empty train cart of the Hogwarts Express. He's seen plenty of children and teenagers pass his door now yet none have made an attempt to sit with him. He wasn't shocked nor hurt, they have their own friends, most of them have been here before and don't want to sit with the first year. It was understandable. He was just a little nervous that he'd have nobody to talk to the entire ride there. He was even more nervous that he'd have nobody to talk to even after they arrived.

Suddenly a kid in green and black robes crashed into his cart and slammed the door shut, not even noticing Ryeowook as he whipped the curtains shut. The black haired boy snickered and turned around.

"AH!" He squealed when he spotted Ryeowook wide eyed in the corner. "Who are you!"

"I should be asking you that!" Ryeowook squeaked out defensively, pointing a finger at the boy.

The older one whipped around at the sound of heavy and quick footsteps, only turning back to Ryeowook to place a finger against his lips.

The footsteps ran past with a mumbling of "Heechul I swear to God I'm not going down for this by myself." The boy-Heechul assumedly-laughed loudly, only to curse when the footsteps began to come back in his direction.

The doors whipped open. This time the boy was in red and black robes, his face red to match.

"Oh hello, honey." Heechul smiled at the fuming boy.

"Heechul! The prefects are hunting us down and I'm supposed to be watching Kyuhyun! My mom is going to kill me if she finds out I left him alone for even a second, and then she'll kill me again when she finds out it was because you thought it would be funny to drag me into your first-year hexing tangent!"

"Leeteuk, calm the hell down. I'm being good! Look! I'm carefully watching this first year." He smiled cheekily.

Leeteuk then looked at Ryeowook for the first time. "He looks terrified." He deadpanned.

"No! We're friends!"

"What's his name?"


"His name is James?" Leeteuk asked coldly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, right James?" Heechul said looking at the other boy pleadingly.

Ryeowook just nodded.

"Yeah okay kid, lie for him. Heechul, I'm going to go get my brother before my mom has a panic attack. You are coming with me." He grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him from the cart. Heechul waved goodbye to Ryeowook with a wide smile as he was yanked from the cart.

Not too long after, a kid wearing strictly black robes alike to Ryeowook's fumbled in. "Uh, do you mind if I sit with you? Everywhere else is full and I'm tired of my brother smothering me."

"Uh, yeah sure."

The boy sighed in relief and took a seat next to Ryeowook. He looked at him and smiled, holding out his hand, "I'm Kyuhyun. What's your name?"

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