Chapter 8:

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The whole car is silent with the exception of the stereo that plays softly. I watch Blue as she tightly grips the wheel, her eyes focusing on the long stretch of asphalt in front of her. The expression on her face is unreadable as she bites her lower lip.

I wonder what is running through her head at this very moment but before I even get the chance to ask we pull into a stone drive way. Movement by the house catches my attention forcing me to turn and look at the man I once called a friend.

Everyone steps out of the car and watches the brilliant man before them. Tony doesn't say anything right away. Instead he just stands there for a second, his daughter in his arms, and nods. "Tony."I say. "We need to talk to you."Blue interjects as she stands along side me. The look on her face finally being readable. "Give me a second."he says gently understanding her practical pleading before heading inside.

After a few short seconds he reappears on the porch and motions for us to join him. He sits comfortably in on of the chairs as Scott sits along side him. Natasha just stands in front, I lean on the wall of his house and Blue sits comfortably on the railing.

"What are you guys doing here to talk about?"he asks. "Well,"Blue starts, "we think we may have found a way to bring everyone back but we have no idea if it is even possible." He looks at her and just nods, "What is this idea?" "Time travel."I tell him. Tony gives this sort of chuckle with a burst of air through his nose.

"Trust me we know it sounds crazy."Scott says. "Tony after everything you have seen is there anything..." "Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale which then triggers the deutsch proposition, that could mean now you want to pull off what are you calling it?" "A time heist?"Scott questions. I look over at Blue who just sits quietly, tears looking like they are peaking out of the corner of her eyes. Her nails seeming to dig into the wood beneath her.

"Tony please, there has got to be a way to make this work."she finally pleads. "High hopes won't help if there is no logical tangible way for me to save them." "We know the rules no betting on sporting events, no talking to our past selves." "I'm gonna stop you right there."Tony suddenly says as he lifts his hand up, "are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future?"

"We have to take a stand."Natasha finally speaks up. "We did take a stand and yet here we are." It's then finally Blue just snaps. "I know you have got a lot on the line here but you can bring him back, you can bring them back! There is a chance here to bring everyone back and you're sitting here telling me that you won't even try?!" Tony just sits quietly as she stands in front of him.

"You know something Stark even though we never got along I always respected you and thought of you as a man with honor, clearly I was wrong."with that she turns on her heels and heads to the car. The screen door flies open to reveal his little girl before she makes her way to him. "Mommy told me to come out here and save you." "She did."he says playfully. "Tony look I get it, and I'm happy for you but this is a second chance."I tell him. "I got my second chance right here Cap."

Before I can get another word in he steps inside, his daughter in his arms. It's as if this heavy cloud falls on us all as we make our way back to the car. Blue leans against the hood, her necklace charm being fiddle with between her fingers. "There has got to be someone, someway we can do this."she says. "Yeah but I want to do it right, we are going to need a really big brain." "Bigger than his?"Scott questions. A smirk forms on her face as she understands what I'm thinking. "I'll drive, you call and set up a meeting place."she smiles. For once it as if there still is a small chance of hope.

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