0.5 - Phone Call

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[Tobias Eaton]

Caleb said their Gardener was named Manuel Javier. I've gotta find out which company he comes with.

"Hey, Zeke, can you search something up for me?"
"Yeah, what do you need?"
"I need records and history on a Manuel Javier. The Prior's gardener. I need to narrow down options for suspects."
"I'll have Shauna look him up. That girl can figure anything out."
"Thanks. Talk soon."

Zeke is going to get Shauna to look Manuel up and call me back with more information. Until then I want to figure out who called me this morning. They mentioned the statue so that must have to do with this? They said the minute that statue shattered so would my humanity. What does that mean?

"Okay, Manuel Javier. Past drug dealer. Arrested twice for dealing of Crystal Meth and Cocaine. He's also been arrested twice for physical abuse charges. Pretty serious charges to be overlooked by the priors. Think he could have anything to do with the Attack? " Zeke asks.
"He might. He's the only other person with access to their backyard. He might be affiliated with the attackers."
"You really think so?"
"Yeah. Look up his address and meet me back at the Precinct."
"See you there."

I drive towards the precinct. I'm possibly a step closer to figuring out who hurt the Prior family like this. If Manuel isn't the attacker, he still may know any key details. If he was there as long as Caleb says he was, he may have seen if the perps kept driving by earlier in the day. I park in my parking spot. I walk inside, meeting Zeke at his desk.

" Hey, you got an address for him? " I ask.

He nods.

" He works four times a week. One day for the Prior family, another for the state, another for the Hayes family, and the last for the Black family. Otherwise, he's off the rest of the week. Today he's at the Black Residence from 11:00 to 4:00. We can stop him while he's there. " He says.

I nod.

" Let's go then. We'll bring him back here for questioning. " I say.

We walk out to my car. I drive us to the Black residence. We park out front. I can hear a lawn mower and a weedwhacker out back. We walk to the backyard. I open the gate. It exposes a half-mowed lawn. The man with the weedwhacker stops, looking over at us. There are two workers. Caleb never mentioned two people. Maybe he didn't notice the other one.

" There's two? " Zeke asks.

I hiss out.

" This may complicate things. " I say.

The man on the lawnmower parks, turning it off. Both men approach us.

" Hi, how can we help you? " One asks.

I show my badge to them, and so does Zeke.

" I'm Detective Eaton, and this is my partner, Detective Pedrad. We're from the Chicago PD homicide unit. " I say.

Both men exchange a worried glance.

" I understand one of you men are Manuel Javier? " I ask.

The taller man with black hair steps forward, raising his hand.

" That'd be me. " He says.

I look at the other man. He looks oddly familiar. But I don't know why.

" And you are? " I ask.

He stands rigidly. Almost as if he's scared or angry at my presence.

" Richard Coulter. " He says. " What's happened? "

I sigh.

" We're going to need to bring you both to the precinct for questioning. A case has come up and you both are possible suspects until we can clear you. " I say.

They nod.

" We'll escort you there. " I say.

I lead them to the car. I drive them to the precinct. I park, and we enter the building.

" Four! " Max shouts to me.

I look at Zeke.

" Lead them to the questioning rooms, please? " I ask Zeke.

He nods.

" If you'll follow me. " He says, leading them to the room.

I approach Max.

" Captain. You needed me? " I ask.

He hands me a thick folder and a large bag.

" Pictures from the scene, " He says. " And bagged evidence. Use this during questioning. " He says.

I nod.

" Thank you, Captain. " I say.

I approach the room, knocking twice before opening the door. I close it behind me. Both men sit across from Zeke and an empty chair. But I don't intend on sitting anytime soon.

" So, I suppose it's time to explain why we've brought you here. " I state, crossing my arms. " I understand you worked at the Prior residence yesterday attending to their yard and house. "

They both nod slowly, wondering where I'm going with this.

" Yesterday evening, a little before 11:00 at night, 911 received a call about an attack at the Prior household reporting three gunshots. " Zeke states.

I walk around them slowly, placing pictures down on the table.

" In the backyard, we discovered a hole was dug up and the powerline to their security system. And we learned that you two are the only people with access to the backyard other than the Prior family. " I say.

Richard grabs the photo of the cut wire, looking at it with a furrowed brow.

" Don't tell me you think we did this. " He says.

I shake my head.

" That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that you may know of potential attackers. Anyone who is against the Prior family? Specifically Beatrice. " I say.

They both shake their heads.

" Everyone loves Beatrice. She's always so nice to everyone. " Manuel says.

I sigh, obviously upset.

" Can we know specifics of what happened? " He asks.

I lift my head.

" The attacker shot her in the chest. When she fell from the collision, she hit her head and now she won't wake up. Her brother got shot in the leg and almost died from shock. " I say.

Both frown at the table.

" That's awful. " Richard says.

I nod.

" We're trying to figure out who would do this. Tell me, what size shoe do you both wear? " I ask.

Manuel looks to his feet.

" I wear an 11. " He says.

Richard picks at his thumbnail.

" I wear a 10. Why? " He asks.

I shrug.

" We found footprints in Beatrice's bedroom and in the kitchen. " I say.

They both nod silently.

" Thank you for answering these questions. If we need anything else, we'll contact you. I'll call a cab to drive you back to work. " I say.

I collect the photos and leave. I return to my desk and call a taxi for them.

Do you trust them?
Not for a second.
Why not?
Manuel has a bad vibe. And Richard seems familiar to me.
I don't trust him. We need to keep an eye on them.

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