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[Tobias Eaton]

"You okay?"

She looks up at me, her eyes wide and full of fear. She has seen some things tonight that has traumatized her.

" I don't know... It's been rough, you know? " She asks.

I nod, sighing. I crouch down, scooping my arms under her legs.

" What are you doing? " She asks.

I lift her off the ground.

" Taking you down to the paramedics. " I say.

She sighs.

" I probably could've walked myself down. " She says.

I shrug as I continue walking.

" Even if you could have walked on it, I wouldn't have let you do it. You know me. Always so kind and helpful. " I joke.

She rolls her eyes.

" When we met you told me about how you wanted to be brave and selfless, intelligent, honest and kind. Maybe you've changed since then. " She says.

I scoff, carrying her down flight after flight of stairs.

" How'd you do that to your leg, anyway? " I ask.

She sighs.

" After he shot those people, I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. But I tripped and fell and skinned it pretty bad. " She says.

I nod.

" Did he say he shot those people? " I ask.

She nods.

" He said something about setting the stage. " She says.

I cock an eyebrow.

" What does that mean? " I ask.

She shakes her head.

" I'm not sure. I thought he was gonna shoot me next. " She says.

The horrifying thought that she almost died tonight is starting to really sink in. She almost died multiple times, and yet she's still here.

" God, " I say. " You've gotta pick better guys to date. "

She smirks, shrugging.

" You were a good choice. " She says. " Just because I made that one stupid choice doesn't mean that all of my Ex's are horrible people. "

I shrug, finally reaching the bottom level. I walk to the door, walking her to an ambulance. Eric is shoved into a cop car as we walk by. I set her on the bumper of the ambulance. A paramedic approaches us.

" Hi, I'm Hana. Let me take a look at you. " She says.

I smile at Hana and she returns the favor.

" Hey, Hana. How are you? " I ask, making conversation.

She shrugs.

" Better than the last time I saw you, Tobias. You keeping my boys out of trouble? " She asks.

I nod. Hana is Zeke and Uriah's mother. I met her at our police academy acceptance party. One of the nicest ladies I've ever met, other than Natalie and a few other women. She's basically like a mother to me when I need to talk to her.

" This isn't too bad. I'll patch up your leg and then check your head. " She says.

Tris nods.

" So, you two know each other? " She asks.

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