3.1 - Really Gone

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[Beatrice Prior]

'Detective Tobias Eaton has been missing for nearly a month now with no sign of showing up anytime soon. Some detectives are beginning to believe that he is dead. More news on this later tonight.'

I stand in my bedroom, sobbing. Tobias is probably dead. I learn now... Now that it's too late to change anything, that I am so madly in love with him. Evelyn was right. Tobias and I were perfect for one another. And now he's gone. I told myself that I couldn't lose him, yet I did. He's gone. And I'm probably never getting him back.

[Tobias Eaton]

'Detective Tobias Eaton has been missing for nearly a month now with no sign of showing up anytime soon. Some detectives are beginning to believe that he is dead. More news on this later tonight.'

"They think he's dead, now. They're gonna be searching for us even more now."
"He's been gone for almost a month. They don't have any leads on him. They're forced to drop the case if they don't find him soon."
"You and your dumb knowledge on cops."
"It's not dumb. If I didn't know this, you wouldn't either."
"You calling me dumb?"
"No, just--"
"Don't call me dumb or I'll shoot your ass."
"Yes, sir."

I passed out after they left. And when I woke up, they were still gone. The door opens and the older one stands me up. He walks me to a frame, cuffing my wrists. He leaves and I hang limply with my arms above my head.

"Stay here. You're not brave enough to see this." He says, his voice muffled through the door.

The door swings open and in walks the older man, masked, dragging something long and flat behind him. The door shuts and it's just us.

"Look at me." He says.

I'm too weak to lift my head.

"I said look at me." He says

I groan, trying to do as he says, but I can't.

"I- I can't." I cry out, hanging limply.

He sighs.

"Okay. Your loss." He says.

I can hear something slice through the air and all of a sudden, it slices through my ribs. I scream out. The torture my father used to do to me when I was younger. Now a reality again. He does it, again and again, and again. Over and over. The belt crashes into my shoulders. Hours go by, or maybe just minutes, but soon enough, he's gone. He leaves me hanging limply. The door cracks open and the younger boy stares in at me. He walks forward.

"Y- You here to whip me too?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"No." He replies.

His voice is small. He is young. Too young to be witnessing this, yet he is.

"Then why are you here?" I ask.

He shuffles closer.

"You're a cop. I want to be a cop when I grow older. And doing this is wrong. Everything will be okay. I promise." He says.

He walks away, closing the door behind him. The night shifts to day and the older man doesn't return for hours. But then, he does. He walks in, empty-handed, and I know what's going to happen.













I know what he plans on doing when he does this. He plans on breaking my mental status for when I officially do go home so I won't actually go home the same.

"I'll be right back." He says.

He disappears from the room. He doesn't bother closing the door. He returns with a metal rod. And not just any metal rod, but a Cattle prod. He walks forward, stabbing the prods into my abdomen. I curl in on myself, trying to escape the pain. He yanks the weapon away. I gasp for air, groaning. I'm so close to my breaking point. He backs away, leaving the room. I begin crying, breaking down. I can't handle this torture anymore. And there's no sign of me leaving anytime soon. The door opens again and I can hear him shuffling closer. I cry out. My mind can't take this anymore.

" Please. No more, please. I'm begging you. " I beg.

I soon realize it's not him.

" Everything's gonna be okay. It's alright. " Says a soft feminine voice.

I want to look to see who it is, but I'm too weak. The hands unlock the cuffs hanging me from the frame. I collapse onto the ground. I am shaking. I'm scared of what's happening. They crouch down in front of me.

" Oh my God, what have they done to you? " She asks, touching my back gingerly.

Her hand grazes over the burn on my back.

" Did they brand you? " She asks.

She helps me stand and I groan in pain.

" Zeke will be here soon. He's coming to help. " She says.

The voice is familiar. And they know Zeke. It has to be someone I know. But my mind is too frazzled to think right now. She helps me limp forward. I'm groaning out in pain. Zeke approaches us.

" Target has been acquired. Bringing him home now. Kidnappers in custody. " He says.

He must be talking to Max.

" Shauna, how is he? " He asks, growing closer.

She shakes her head.

" Not good. We need to get him to a hospital immediately. " She says.

He nods. He takes my other side, and together, they carry me out of the warehouse. I'm groaning in constant pain.

Where have you been?
Stuck in a warehouse, where else?
You still have a sense of humor for looking like absolute shit.
You don't look too great yourself.
Haha, very funny. But in all seriousness, I'm glad you're back.

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