2.2 - Unfortunate

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[Tobias Eaton]

" Why did you make me come to this stupid thing? You know how I feel about him. " Evelyn says.

I sigh.

" I told you that I needed you. I need you to be here for me. I need you to be positive for me. " I say.

She sighs.

" Why not call your date and ask where she is? She can be positive instead. " She says.

I shake my head.

" She's helping inside. Unless you want to help finish setting up inside, you're staying with me until the funeral starts. " I say.

She sighs.

" Fine. " She says.

Tris walks out of the building, holding the door for an older couple. Probably one of Marcus' clientele. She turns her head, looking in my direction.

" I'll meet you inside, alright? " I ask.

Evelyn nods, walking inside quickly. Tris approaches me. I take her hands, kissing her cheek.

" Thank you for being here. " I say. " It's been rough the past couple of days. "

She nods.

" Understandably, " She says. " I've been a bitch and a horrible friend. I've ignored you. You lost your father. And you're trying to finish the case. I'm sorry, Tobias. Truly, I'm sorry. "

I nod. I pull her into my arms, hugging her tightly. I'm afraid if I don't hold her now, I never will again.

" Promise me you'll stay this time. Promise me. " I say.

She nods, holding me just as tightly as I hold her.

" I promise, Tobias. " She says.

I nod, exhaling sharply.

" Shall we? " I ask, motioning to the church.

She nods. His ashes sit on a table next to a picture of him and I sitting next to each other in our kitchen. It's a picture I never even knew existed. And I'm honored that the picture of him that is being shown includes me. I take a seat next to Evelyn and Tris sits on my other side. Her Mother, Father, and Brother sit next to her.

" Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Prior. Good to see you again. " I say.

Natalie takes my hand.

" And you as well, Tobias. I'm so sorry for your loss. " She says.

I smile weakly.

" Thank you, Mrs. Prior. " I say.

The pastor from my church walks forward, standing in front of the church with a Microphone.

" Hello, everyone. My name is Douglas Foreman. I am Tobias Eaton's pastor. I would like to thank you all for coming to say a final goodbye to Marcus Eaton, a strong man with a strong will. At this time, I would like to call Tobias Eaton, Marcus Eaton's only child, to the front of the room to help officiate today's service. " He says.

I stand, walking forward, taking the microphone from him. Everyone's eyes are on me now.

" Hello, and thank you for being here today. My name is Tobias Eaton, son of Marcus Eaton. My time with Marcus was not the greatest life I could've asked for. My mother had supposedly died when I was 6 years old and Marcus became a rude drunk. And when he was drunk, he was also violent. But I'm assuming most of you already knew that, though. You all have heard the rumors. You all have spread them as well, excluding the few of you who did not know of them until now. But, in Marcus' last moments, I put our awful past behind us. I wanted his last moments to be something good. And, for me, they were. And I pray to God they were for him as well. He congratulated me on my latest accomplishment of solving a case I had been working on for nearly a month. And he apologized for everything he had done. Marcus Eaton passed away August 22nd from Pancreatic Cancer, something he hadn't told anyone about except for his doctor and a few co-workers who were concerned for his decreasing health. And now, as we finally lay him to rest, you all may know of his short-lived kindness and solidarity as we say our final farewell. Thank you all, once again. " I say.

I return to my seat, exhaling sharply. The service ends and everyone begins to exit the building. I stand, staring at Marcus' coffin one last time before I leave.

" You ready to leave, Tobias? " Evelyn asks.

I nod.

" Yeah. I am. " I say.

I turn around, exciting as quickly as I can before I change my mind. Everyone stands outside for casual conversation and condolences. Zeke stands outside with Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, and Max.

" Oh, hey guys. I didn't know you were here. " I say.

I walk Tris forward with me.

" Thanks for being here. I really appreciate it. " I say.

Max nods.

" You've gone through quite the ride lately. But, I'm proud of you. You're handling it well. " He says.

I smile.

" I don't expect you to be to work for a while. Take as much time as you need to. " He says.

I nod.

" Thank you. " I say.

He nods.

" Anytime. " He says.

They walk away, going to talk to the other attendees.

" Wait, Tobias. " Tris says.

She looks in a different direction.

" What is Richard doing here? " She asks.

I cock my eyebrow.

" Richard? Richard who? " I ask.

She looks back at me.

" Richard Coulter. Eric's father. " She says.

I cock an eyebrow.

" He's one of your gardeners too. " I say.

She nods.

" But why would he be here? " She asks.

I shrug.

" Let's find out. " I say.

Hi, Richard.
Hello, Detective. I'm sorry about your father. He was a good man.
Did you know him?
I actually used to work for him. Until, you know, I got arrested and everything went downhill.
I never knew that.
Yeah. He told me about how the office room used to be your bedroom before he remodeled it.
Yeah, it was.
Nice room. Really nice decor as well.

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