Something crazy to tell you

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The young girl was overfilled with feelings a part of which seemed as "excitement" or was it something else?! The strange emotions where ripping her apart, as she came home her hands where still shaking from the cold and her cheeks where still red from the same reason. She had to do something, she had to talk to her best friend , Ellie. She opened her lap top and started texting.

   - Hey, Ellie! Omg! I have something to tell you,you're never going to believe it! Something CRAZY happened today....

She didn't expect Ellie to answer to her ride away or any soon to be precise, which was a usual behavior of Ellie's, therefore all that was left to do is hope she wouldn't take too long.

To her surprise the little green dot appeared in less than five minutes since she sent the message which meant that Ellie was connected. 

(Ellie)  -Omg ! What happened?!

 - Ok. But wait till the end to start telling me how insanely crazy I am. ok?

(Ellie) - You're scaring me. 

 -  OK so its really really crazy!!!

(Ellie) - Just say it already!

  - I just kissed a stranger today !

(Ellie)  -What ?! What do you mean?

 - I was walking on the street today lost in my thoughts, when I saw this random guy running in front of me. He wasn't looking forward and I could see he really was in a hurry.

  - When he arrived to where I was standing he like violently bumped into me like with all his body, trowing me to the ground and falling nearly on me.

  - Than he completely freaked out. He rose up and gave me his hands raising me back up, petting my head and getting hair out of my face, while showering me with a  million excuses. 

  - He kept  on saying "Sorry! " "Sorry!" for like a straight two minutes. Than he said like "Are you ok?", "Are you hurt ?", " I'm so sorry.", "I didn't see you ".  

  -  I was speechless...

-Than he calmed down a bit and put his hands on my temples and looked at me straight in the eyes. A subtle innocent smile appeared on his face and I was just standing there in shock staring at him so lost and confused. 

 -And than he suddenly leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I kept my eyes wide open from surprise I backed out and slapped him like really hard, almost by reflex. But than I kissed him back. I don't know why but I had a sudden force inside that pushed me to do it.


(Ellie)- And than ...... what happened after ??

-Than I just removed my head and stared at him feeling my cheeks turn bright red either from the cold , either from the deep stair he was laying upon me. 

-Than suddenly as is if woken up from a coma I backed off , turned my back and started walking in the opposite direction from him.

- I didn't turn back but I could feel it that he didn't move a hair. He probably stood there for long because I didn't hear any noise from him apart from his heavy breathing pattern, until I was too far too hear anything.

(Ellie)- Oh My God! What's the matter with you ?! That whole thing is completely messed up and you're insane , you know that right? 

(Ellie) - What the hell is wrong with you going off kissing strangers?,like... What got into your head? , What where you thinking ???

-I don't know , it was just all so sudden and I just felt a rush... sort off. I just felt like I had to do it .

A hint of sarcasm was present in her reply.

(Ellie) - Are you telling  me that you so preciously guarded your "first kiss" all these years just to give it away to a complete stranger that you probably never going to see again. Are you out of your mind ?

- Well.... I don't know about now but I surely was when I did it. But honestly I don't regret a second. It just felt right and..... this is going to sound crazy but I'm happy about it and I think it might of been the best decision of my life.

(Ellie)- Whaaaaaaaat? Let's be honest that you're being irrational and what you're saying right now is simply not making any sense.

-Maybe but I don't feel bad about it. An plus i think the mystery adds on to the romance aspect. 

-Just think about it : there is somewhere in this world a guy who walks around with my first kiss on his lips most likely not knowing that aspect of it, and I don't even know who he is. 

(Ellie)- Whatever you can make up stories to comfort yourself but reality is reality. You do what you want girl. At the end of the day it's your life and you're the mastermind of it. 

(Ellie)- But if you feel like this silly thing is the "greatest decision of your life" it makes me question all the ulterior decisions you made and your capacity to reason and see things clear.


She knew Ellie was pissed but what could she do about it. Ellie understood she might of been to harsh on her friend and tried to bring back the good mood.

(Ellie )- Was he good looking at least ?!

-Oh hell yeah! He was super cute. He had dark blond hair and hazel eyes, those that look like pools of honey in the sun with the slightest hint of green. He was tall with high cheek bones and a crazy sharp jaw line, long brown eyelashes and a few beauty marks.

(Ellie)- Wow , you seem to have had a good look at him despite all the "shock".

-Well yeah kind off , I was staring at him the whole time. But that's all I've got.

(Ellie)-So what's your plan? He doesn't even know your name.  How is he supped to find you or you don't have any further intentions?

-I don't know anything. If God wants,our paths will cross again on the way of destiny.

(Ellie)- Ugh! Sounds pretty but feels like illusions.


                                                                        End of chapter one 

                                                                       To be continued..........

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