Can I at least have your name ?

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Once again she couldn't believe it herself, it felt almost as magic. What where the odds. Despite her shock and disbelief she had to tell Ellie. She will fall from her chair when she sees it.

- Omg ! ...... OMG ! Ellie! You will never believe it! Guess what happened today ! OMG! I'm like all over the place and my heart is panting.

This time it wasn't as great as last and it took about 2 hours and a half until Ellie finally answered whit her usual sarcasm and a pinch of annoyance.

(Ellie)- What ?! You kissed another stranger?

- Ha ha ha , very funny ! No

- I met the guy I kissed last time again today!!!

(Ellie)- WHAT? Are you kidding me ???

- No I swear !!!

(Ellie) - So what happ.... how did it ......omg I cannot take this in...

- Yeah we just met again on the same street nearly at the same spot as if it was planned. He wasn't running this time and when he saw me he was staring for long very long probably trying to figure out it was me or from surprise. When he finally came near he gasped and cried out :" Oh thank God , thank God I found you! Since our kiss I couldn't stop thinking about you for even a second.

- And I said Oh really ?!

-Than he said : Yeah , yeah it's like if you invaded my mind.He made a brief pose and than as if he just realized he said:" Oh its the first time you actually spoke !

- Than he said : Before you get into Cinderella vibes and run away again like you did last time can I please have your number?

And I said : " Heum ha hah ah ! I don't own a cellphone.

He was a bit surprised and I tone it down when I say " a bit": Whaat? Really? What kind of teenager of our generation doesn't have a phone in 2019?!

I said : A very unique and special one ?! I guess.

He lightly laughed and said :" Haaa! I like that attitude!

Ok than ...... can I have ..... You have faceboooo.. wait but I dont even know your name. What's your name???

I laughed and waited for a while ....Aaahh! ahahah!

He laughed in his turn and looked at me in a deep stare : "Come on , can I at least have your name ?!!!

I finally answered : " Lydia"

To what he answered : "Oh you have a beautiful name . Like REALLY !

I said : Thank you ! I don't know your name either , but i'll call you "MINE" if you don't mind.

Surprise and excitement where seen on his face as he said : Ahhh! Well tough! Should of thought of that before. Yeah of course you can call me however you want, but "MINE" sounds about perfect.

My actual name is "Lucas" , just in case you where wandering. He added.

I wasn't, if that's of any surprise to you. I'm pretty much settled on "MINE". But that's great to know. I said.

Ahhh you're a funny one ! I like your sense of humor. So what's your Facebook username? He asked.

And I told him spelling out my last name letter by letter: "Lydia R-E-I-N-H-E-A-R-T"

He typed it out on his phone ride away and said : " Great, found you! You're profile picture looks great but you're even more stunning in real life.

I laughed and than tanked him.

To what he answered : Yeah ! No need to thank me I just state what I see.

And I said : Alright than! 

To what he responded: " Ok talk to you later! Can't wait to see you again.

I have to admit I had to play hard to get a bit so I said :  Who said it was going to happen ?!

 He said : No one, but no one did last time either, yet here we are. So I hope that God will place another one of those coincidences in my life. 

To what I've answered "I doubt it , I don't like coincidences."

And he became a bit more serious and said :" There's always the option of taking things into our own hands and setting up a date , instead of relying on chance. Especially now that I have a way to contact you.

I said : You never know maybe I told a fake name and a random contact of someone I know.

Well.. I don't question your cleverness in any way but it seems to me that you're just too kindhearted for that.

Plus I noticed that little glow in your eyes when I approached you and the "spark" was apparently there since you kissed be back last time.

And if that's not enough for you , I also assume you changed that profile picture to a profile picture of you on that "random contact"

He really got me there. Disarmed of my arguments I said "That I didn't have anything to say against that and we said bye to each other.

(Ellie)- Waw that really is something. The intertwining of the paths as you call it. The irony of fate....

   End of chapter two 

To be continued.....

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