Cherish the moment...

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Lucas texted me the next day...

(Lucas)- Hey! How are you?

I was a bit busy that day and saw his message a few hours later.

(Lydia)- Hey, sorry about my late response I was a bit busy today. But yeah! I'm fine and you.

Although he wasn't connected he answered immediately as soon as he read the message, which was 30 seconds later after I sent it.

(Lucas)- What school are you going to?

(Lydia) - Lablont High. and you ?

(Lucas)- No way! I'm currently at Pearlings High, but I'm moving so I'll be changing schools to Lablont High.

(Lydia)- Great than. I guess we'll be in the same school.

(Lucas)- Talk about coincidences

(Lucas)- Fate is playing mind games.

(Lydia)- Maybe... at least so it seems.

(Lucas) - My first day at Lablont High starts in two weeks. Do you maybe want to go for a coffee.

(Lydia)- Sure, when?

(Lucas)- You aren't very talkative,are-you ? Well Tuesday at 17:00 at our usual meeting place. How does that sound?

(Lydia)- I am more talkative when you get to know me. So I suggest you cherish this time preciously, because later you'll be asking me to shut-up. 

(Lydia)- And yeah Tuesday sounds great!

(Lucas)- I would never ask you to shut up, you have a beautiful voice when you actually use it and even trough your writing I can hear it. 

(Lucas)-See you Tuesday! Can't wait...

(Lydia)-See you then. 

I was happy at the idea of seeing Lucas again.Although,I didn't reveal any signs of excitement while talking to him. I couldn't bare the excitement. 

I started looking trough my wardrobe to prepare a suitable outfit for our date. Oh wait. Was is it really a date?! I asked myself interrupting the excitement for a brief moment. Oh whatever, I still have to look presentable in both cases. So I continued looking trough my clothes, opening boxes and trying on a million different outfits. I was secretly hoping it was indeed a date.

                                                              End of chapter three

                                                              To be continued.......

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