In the Twilight

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         I couldn't wait for Tuesday and when it finally came I woke up with a strange feeling. My heart was pounding and I rushed out of bed while not fully woken up yet. This wast a very go idea as I very soon realized.  I analysed the situation  and found myself on the floor with a sharp pain at my ankle. Damn it "this bed" ...ugh ... ok Lydia you really need to chill a bit. I said to myself while trying to find the closest thing to hold on to to pick myself up.

Ultimately when I was off the floor I walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower before breakfast. Fresh and out of the shower I was staring to get ready for school. But what is that ..... um ... AMAIZING smell....mmm ? I hurried into the kitchen. Oh no mom you didn't. 

"Good morning sweetie" she said, and yes I diiid , so hurry up and eat before you'll run off to school. I gave her kiss on the cheek and started to devour the delicacy I had in front of my eyes.

I went to school but all could think about the whole day was "the date". I told Ellie about it and she was exited for me too. Yeah even a bit too much exited. She suggested coming with me and hiding out just so she can have a peak on the mysterious admirer faith has put on my path for me. I obviously declined " her offer" and made sure to make it clear enough  for her NOT to do anything of the sort. 

(Lydia): "Ellie, look at me! DON'T YOU DARE ! You here me. Are you the one "out of mind".

(Ellie): "Fineee, calm down girl ! 

(Lydia): " I just want to be clear."

(Ellie): " Yeah, yeah I got it don't worry" 

We where at the next to  last class of the day when our principle came in to the classroom. She handed a stock of papers to our teacher and announced out loud: " Good-afternoon kids, I just handed in the detention slips to your teacher, those concerned do not forget to be there at 4:15, right after your classes ! And you guys know who you are, and know the consequences for not showing up. Therefore, if you don't want to get an extra one and a phone call to your parents come to the library upstairs, and don't be late. On these last words she turned her back and headed to the door. 

The teacher started handing out the slips she passed next to my desk and placed one on it. To my surprise. "wHAAAAAAAAAT, i CAN'T BELIEVE IT , is that for me !!! I said in my mind. I looked on the paper as the vague memories started resurfacing in my mind :" Oh yeah right I was late 3 times last week " " But today, I can't today is the day I'm meeting Lucas. Noooo, what will I do now. I absolutely have to see him."

I was so disappointed, and dint know what to do. Ellie noticed that and said that we''ll figure something out by the end of the day. Surely I had trouble believing it, but what else could as do. The last bell rang and I watched all the other detention kids go on a brief brake before the hour of torture that would follow. I looked at Ellie with despair but she gave me back a quick glare of a hint of joy and a smirk. 

(Lydia):"Huh... what what is it.. what's so funny ?! I asked starting to feel frustration rise in my veins.  

(Ellie): " AH ah aaaaaaah, I've got and idea,she said with the smiling not leaving her soft little face.

(Lydia): "What what is it for God's sake, get it out already or are your trying to kill my patience that is already running thin?!

(Ellie) : " The detention is supervised by the substitute teacher right ?! Well, so she doesn't know our faces. I'll go in your place. But seriously you have to chill.

(Lydia):  As I was trying to putt together Ellie's words in my mind and reconstructs a scenario, I realized what she has said. " Wowe , you would do that for me ?!" 

(Ellie): Ellie looked at me as her smile softened up: "Off course, don't even offend me with that question. Go , go on and don't forget to tell me all the details tomorrow.

(Lydia): I almost chocked her with my suffocating hug and thanked her , vocalizing my appreciation of her action and devotion as a friend. I kind off made me feel bad for being so harsh on her a bit earlier. I gave her one last hug and run out of the school screaming " I owe you one , you're the best , see you tomorrow !!"

I rushed down the stairs and ran the whole street. Air never felt that fresh as I kept running down the street. I came home and put on the outfit I have so carefully selected like four days prior. I decided not to tell my mom ride away and bubbled out something about having a detention, as an explanation of my leave. I felt guilty but there's no way I will be announcing this to her that soon. I bet she will freak out and make me stay at home. 

I was walking fast to our usual meeting place on the street aspiring to see Lucas. I was occasionally looking at my hand watch to watch the time. I wasn't late, startlingly I was even early. I finally reached the exact spot fifteen minutes before 17:00. I was really exited and  couldn't stop looking at my watch. Ten more minutes. Five more.... and it was 17:00. Five minutes later there was no sign of Lucas. So I decided to wait. I waited for fifteen more minutes only to see no further sign of him showing up. Luckily enough it wasn't really cold outside. I wandered a bit more. It was now 17: 35. Lucas didn't come and I was left alone one on one with the grey sky turning darker and darker as the streets where falling under twilight. 

                                                                               End of chapter 4

                                                                           To be continued.........

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