The interrogations

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My dad and mom separated a year ago and dad didn't live with us over the course of the last 12 months. Therefore seeing him was almost as equally shocking as seeing a ghost.

Dad ?! I repeated as I kept staring at him. I made my way trough the doorstep and the door was heavily shot by his hand. What are you doing here ? 

No no no young lady ! I am the one who will be asking questions here. So take a seat and don't try changing the subject. Now! May I know WHO EXACTLY where you talking to out there ??

Dad calm down... it's just a friend from school. (I lied) 

Ok! Let's suppose...Than WHAT on Earth was he doing on OUR doorsteps ??!

Nothing dad ! We where working on a project for English class after school and he walked me home because he lives close by and it was kind off dark outside.

He frowned but seemed to calm down little by little ; "Which brings me to my next question ; "Why are you coming home so late ?!"

I had to stay for detention and then we worked on our English project just like I told you.

Detention hum ! Why where you in detention ?!

Because I was late to school 3 times last week.

Oh child ! You need to get it together seriously and no more coming late home OR to school ! Understood ?!

Yes ! I mumbled out unwillingly, feeling the guilt rust me inside.

And before I forget ; "No more stranger boys on our doorsteps. You hear me Lydia ?! Even your presumably little school friends. 

Yes dad ! I said with the same expression as before.

Great! I'm glad we understand each other. Now you can go eat supper and don't make your mom wait, the food will get cold.

I walked into the kitchen and  my mother started asking questions at her turn.

I explained everything merely similarly. After what she conclusively  said ; " From now on I will be driving you to school and picking you up and I'll buy you a phone which we will use a method of communication so I can know where you are.

I wasn't sure if it was a punishment or a some sort of conditioning thing. But I'll assume I wasn't really trilled to the idea of being stuck in car rides with mom everyday. Can't I have some independence Gosh ! I couldn't do anything about it and this was a fact.

                                                                           .      .      .

The next day at school Ellie rushed towards me as soon as I entered the school yard where my mom had dropped me unusually early.

(Ellie): "Sooo..... soo... ?!"

(Lydia): Whaaat...?!

(Ellie): "Come ON ! You know what I mean" she said giving me the " Are you kidding ?!" look. Tell me what happened yesterday !

Ugh this was the last ting I wanted to do right now. Alright, alright ! I had to wait like 45 minutes for him to come but he did come and we went to the pastry shop, you know that " Linders" place on the corner of the street ?! Yeah so this is what happened.

(Ellie): You're kidding me right ?! "45 minutes" who does he think he is ?!

(Lydia): Yeah well there was a reason. He was about to miss me by a hair as a was leaving but then caught me at the last moment and I decided to forgive him.

I briefly explained to her the details as we where walking towards our geography classroom.

(Lydia): Oh yeah, and also my dad came back ! Ellie looked at me in surprise.Yeah, I don't really know if he's going to stay for long, but my mom didn't seem that happy about it.

(Ellie) : " Woowe , WHAT an evening!"

                                                                 End of chapter 6

                                                                To be continued..........

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