Bad boy

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I was slowly making my way home. It wasn't cold but I was shaking. I was crumbling down as if the wind was forcing its way inside my heart. Tears of sadness and disappointment started rolling on my cheeks. I was fighting them, I din't like the idea of me being miserable, much less over a boy. I was rubbing my face as the wind seemed to become stronger and stronger. I briefly taught about what trouble  Ellie  had to go trough for my sake,and it ending up not even being worth it. I was settled on never talking to Lucas again. I felt betrayed and started feeling guilty for being so foolish and......

Thoughts where driving me crazy. Suddenly I heard a sharp scream. Someone was crying out my name with all their lungs. 

"Lydiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" LYDDDIAAAAAAAAAAAA" I turned around and saw someone running towards me in the fog that started to rise from the cold.  One single thing crossed my mind " LUCAS". I was squinting my eyes to improve my sight. Then out of the fog came running towards me Lucas. It was him indeed, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Seeing him appear there was almost a miracle and didn't feel real. He abruptly stopped a few inches before me. Out of breath and his cheeks all red from running and from the cold. He stared at me. Than looked down and at last a word made its way out of his mouth : "Sorry! I'm sorry ! I am not usually like this, my mom made a scene and didn't want to let me go, in fact I am still grounded. She thinks I'm asleep in my room. I had to exit by the window of my room and climb down a tree. I'm so sorry ! 

I looked at him as my heart was debating with my mind and I didn't know how to act. So I smiled and he gently approached himself and locked me inside his arms. I could feel the smell of his cologne and he was so warm. His heart was pounding and I wasn't sure if it was because of the speedy race he just did or because I was pressing my head against his chest. He softly pulled me away and put his hands on my shoulders looking at me directly in the eyes ; "Thank you for waiting, and I promise this will never happen again !" 

Alright ! I said at last. Gladly my tears had time to dry off before he reached me so he didn't have time to notice I've been crying. This was a good thing.

As we where walking towards the pastry shop I asked him the question that was rusting my curiosity; " So what did you do to be grounded bad boy ?! 

He looked at me and than stared the ground. I ...hum.... I ..... you know.... I... got....into a fight at school with my friend, but it was a play-fight.... but the teachers... you know they don't get "play fight" so they sent us to the principle and we where suspended for violence on school grounds... yeah so when my mom got called out at work she got really mad and grounded me for a week. 

(Lydia): "A play-fight !"

(Lucas): " Yeah, I hope at least you know what it is"

(Lydia): " Yeah of course ! " So you are a bad-boy indeed.

He let out a soft chuckle, well if that's what you want to call me today it's alright. Although "Mine" was much nicer. 

I giggled and we went in inside the pastry shop. I had cash but Lucas decided to pay and didn't  even want to hear out my arguments. In fact I didn't have any solid ones so I didn't tackle him. He showed me the small table by the window as he went to order. I sad down and took my coat off. He came back a few minutes later with two steaming cups of hot chocolate and than went to get the pastries. He brought a cinnamon bun  and a chocolate bread and let me choose. I took the cinnamon roll and he took the chocolate cake. Everything was delicious and we stayed inside about an hour. It seemed as we always knew each other.

He felt that too because as he was walking me home he said : " I think you where always part of my dreams I just didn't know who you where. 

We stopped on the steps of my house. He said : '"I'm so sorry again, for making you wait". I said his reason was pretty impressive so I'll give him that. The wind was breezing as we where staring at each other. As the front door suddenly opened and the stroke of light fell upon our faces.

(Lydia): I taught I was seeing an illusion : " Dad.......... ?!"

                                                             End of chapter 5

                                                            To be continued ...........

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