The "Surprise"

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We made our way to class and got ourselves comfortable on the two desks in the third row, our usual seats. About ten minutes into the class we heard a knock on the door and the face of our principle showed up again. I made myself small sinking into my chair as brief flashbacks from yesterday's detention slips brushed trough my thoughts.

To my greatest surprise I saw a young boy in a navy blue polo follow her. I internally screamed as I strengthened up my back sitting up. "Lucas...!"  What was he doing here, this was so strange. I knew he talked about changing schools but today was not even hallway trough the time period of two weeks. As his eyes met my gaze a grin stretched across his face when he finally found me among the unknown faces. 

Ellie noticed my emotion and looked at me interrogatively. I approached my head to her ear as I stuttered in whisper : "'s's Lucas..". Her reaction was priceless as she immediately turned her head to the new kid just to look back a me in a second.

"Way to go Ellie, can you be more obvious." I whispered with a soft frown.

"I'm sorry " she mumbled, but you're right he is kind of sort of really cute.

I nodded my head as a sign of agreement and than waited a moment to let out the words of my mouth, as if I was daydreaming: "He is , he is indeed !"

The principle presented the new student and gave several of her classical warnings and instructions, such as " be nice", " give a warm welcome...", " show him around..." and so on. She then left the classroom leaving us to ourselves. The teacher welcomed Lucas and softly patted his shoulder with a smile before indicating him the front row seat next to Diana, one of our classmates.

He turned back to look at me a few more times until Diana interrupted our chain of stares. She started talking to him about something and  shook his hand presumably presenting herself. All the girls in the class started giggling and exchanging whispers over the newcomer. They where pocking each others elbows and I found a weird feeling rising within me, it was uncomfortable and ..... once again weird. 

I tried to focus my attention on the lecture, which wasn't much success with him before my eyes. As the bell rang I started packing my things purposely doing it in slowest possible pace, waiting for the classroom to empty. But everyone simultaneously headed towards where Lucas was sitting. My classmates formed a tight circle around the area and I couldn't even see his face. I tried to peak but all the girls surrounding him made it quiet difficult to distinguish anything. They bombarded him with questions, some very weird ones that I overheard over their giggles. I gave up in frustration and headed to the door waiting for Ellie to join me.

We reached our lockers when I heard a familiar voice call me out. I turned my head to contemplate Lucas and his hazel eyes full of emotion. "Hmm he finally managed to liberate himself from the claws of the tigers." I thought as I turned back my head and opened my locker. He came closer and touched my shoulder in an attempt to turn me around. Ellie found an excuse to depart herself giving us some "alone time". 

As his lips stretched apart he chuckled and said "Hey". I pulled myself together and turned around smiling to him. 

"Hey" I repeated his greeting. Welcome to Lablont High, your new school. 

He looked at me 

But what are you doing here, didn't you say you weren't coming before next week ?!

Yeah, I did but since I got suspended my mom decided I will transfer schools right away.

"Hum, that explains it." I said trying to laugh. 

But either way it turned out to be a good thing since I got to see you sooner.

I guess so !

 He than added:" I tough this would be a surprise."

Oh trust me I'm surprised! 

Anyways, where you alright after I left yesterday. Your dad didn't seem very happy when he opened the door.     

Oh yeah it was fine, sorry for rushing inside and not even saying bye, I felt terrible.

Aiiin! It's alright I  wasn't offended in any way.

Great ! We should get to class. What is your next class ?!

"Geography" he said looking on his schedule. 

Oh me too I replied, we're in the same classroom so let's go or else we'll be late.

He followed my lead on the stairs as we rushed to class. We found two empty seats as the lecture was about to start. Time past surprisingly fast and the bell already indicated the beginning of lunchtime. 

I need to find my friend Ellie and after we eat I can show you around the school if you want. 

Sure ! He replied as he was copying down the last word from the chalkboard. 

So meet me at the lockers than, in about five minutes.

I met Ellie and headed to the lockers to take my lunch out and meet Lucas.  I briefly presented them to each other and we walked toward the cafeteria. As we took place at a small corner table and began eating Diana came out of no where with her tray full of food.

(Diana): " Do you mind if I join you guys ?!" she said already taking a seat and not waiting for our answers. 

                                                                               End of chapter 7

                                                                     To be continued ...........

The Stranger's kissTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon