Chapter Two

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The dronesman keeps me from leaping out of the chair. "What's wrong? Why did you do that?" He goes over to a computer I didn't see before and types vigorously.  

"I.. I can't tell you. Isn't it the law?" He rushes over and grabs my shoulders.

"Tell me what you saw!"

"You could be killed if I told you."

"You WILL be killed if you don't tell me!" I say nothing. I keep my expression neutral. He suddenly freezes and looks deep into my eyes. afer a second he steps away. "You can go now."


"No. No. Go through that door over there." I do. Looking back to the dronesman who stares at the ground. Weird.  

I enter onto a raised platform. There are three dronesmen standing around yet another chair. I see my mom and dad sitting close by. Watching. Other families from my neighbor hood and people from school also watch. "Please sit down Briany." I slowly make my way to the chair and sit. Again. "Briany Chades. You have come of age and are ready for women hood. You will now receive the privilege to be tagged and start your own life. We will begin now." My heart beats uncomfortably. I feel faint. 

A moment later, a drone silently crosses the platform and stops in front of me. I stare at it's blank, flat face. It moves it's metal hand up. The white fingers twist and rotate to form what looks like a gun attached to the drones wrist. The drone positions the gun above my right collarbone.

One second. Nothing. Two seconds. Silence. Three seconds. Complete horror. The gun goes off with a slight puff of air, and leaves excruciating pain throughout my whole body. I don't stir though. I stay completely still as the drone exits the same way it came.

"Briany Chades. You are now a full citizen of our great city of Elipia, and our prosperous, beautiful, planet Armorous." I feel a huge lump in my throat the size of a grapefruit when everyone starts cheering. Or is that just the tag? Maybe it's the fact that I WAS tagged. How am I supposed to feel right now? More susceptible to the drones? Okay with their eternal dictatorship?

Well i'm not! Not at all! In fact I feel even more hatred toward them then I did before! One just shot me with a tagging gun! As I sit their like an esteemed fried chicken I promise myself that I will never be conned by the drones to join their evil reign.

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