Chapter Eight

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I feel the urge to get back on the train and ditch this whole idea. Why attempt to run away at the heart of the drone community? The train whizzes off. I can't catch it. I don't see Eden but I know she's here. I feel her. At least I hope it's her.

The silence is uncomfortable. I step back and nearly fall into the space where the train sat. A strong hand pulls me up before I do. Eden. She holds a finger to her mouth and she disappears down an alley. I hesitate then follow her.

We enter onto a street. Steet lamps sit on either side shedding an eerie blue light on the metal sidewalks and roads. Eden's steps are completely silent. I try my best to keep my footsteps light witch is difficult with my large bag. Eden has a small backpack packed to the point that not even a single grain of rice could find a space.

My eyes scope the windows. Do drones wake up when they hear noise? Do they look out the window when they can't sleep? Do they sleep?

Eden slips into another alley. I stop when I see a grey van at the end. Its engine a barely audible hum. Eden sees me stop.

"What'd ya think, We were gonna walk all The way there? And alone?" She whispers.

"Well yes. And we are alone." A horrible thought comes to mind. We are alone aren't we?

Eden shakes her head and walks up to the van. She balls her hand up in a fist and knocks four quick beats on the back doors. It opens about two inches.

"What's the password?" I hear a grumbling low voice.

"Shut up Crispin." The door opens and Eden waves me in. I sit next to her on a cushioned bench. There are five other people in here. Three boys and on two girls. Add Eden and I and its seven in all.

A rusty looking boy with dirty blonde hair sits across from me. "We'll Eden. Aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"

"This is Briany." Everyone says hi in unison. They all look happy. Amused even.

"Welcome Briany. This is our humble home." His hands sweep the mini room. "I'm Crispin." He points to the girl next to him. "This is Junis..." He goes on. Pointing to each person. "Shera, Rory, and Toril."

Shera, a tan skinned girl with big Brown eyes and hair suddenly reaches for my arm and pushes my sleeve up.

"What are you doing!" My instant to pull away is no use. Her hold is firm.

"Chill. I'm only checking." She pauses. "You got lucky. You can actually make something out of it." She lets go and pulls up her sleeve. I see a jumble of lines interwoven togetjer. Like a quilt.

"You all have this?" Everyone shows there marks. All in the same place on their arms. "What are they? How long have you all had them?"

"We don't know what they are. Showed up about late morning on the day of adulthood... after the tagging." My face twists up remembering the terrible sting of the tag in my neck. Without realizing my hand moves to the spot and feel the skin there. It hurts. Like it's bruised.

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