Chapter Sixteen

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Nothing is worse than being sick.

I stare at the wall until it hurts. The white peeling paint, places where pictures used to hang, forgotten nails, and a sad single window with tattered brown drapes. The rest of the room is just as bad. Tan filthy carpets, an old lamp that matches the ceiling light- just light bulbs, an ugly, worn armchair, half shattered mirror, and the brown fluffy bed; piled high with blankets.

A ghost room. It makes my mood anything but better.

Crispin slept in the armchair all night. And left to go to breakfast early. He, Eden, Junis, and the doctor visited until a bell in the hall rang probably at 8:30. Someone must have dropped off the bowl of soup when I was sleeping around eleven. I wish they would have woken me.

I wonder what everyone's been doing. It's 1:00 now. I haven't seen a soul since this morning. Depressing.

I never got sick back home. Everything was completely sterile and had an even blanket of disinfectant.

I force the soup down my sore throat. There's nothing else better to do.

It is silent. Nothing moves or changes. I wish it would. So I get up. Slowy. Dizzily. Carefully. And wander into the hallway.

It's completely empty. Just as quiet as my room. I wander to a pair of double doors. It's the cafeteria. Smaller than the one at school. It's carpeted and has about ten tables with four chairs at each. I finger The funny machines that line one wall. With labels that say things like coffee, cold cereal, and instant pancakes. There's the squeak of the kitchen door swinging open and I automatically dive under the table. A stout women exits through the opposite door.

At least I know I'm not the only one here.

I wait about five minutes and then slip back outside. I travel another hallway. The rug that runs down the middle of the floor looks so grubby and thread bare that I try to walk on the wood on either side.

There's movement in a window ahead. I approach it slowly. There's a bird sitting in a tree next to the window. The sky is bright blue with white wispy clouds. I can almost feel the warm sun on my face and the cool grass between my toes. The smile in my face evaporates when I look down.

Three stories below is a huge,     concrete, space. And Eden is throwing her foot up into a girl's face. The girl dives at her waist bringing her down. Others are fighting each other. I see Crispin launching his fist into another guys neck. I stumble back.

Two arms catch me and push me up. I look furiously into.... the most warm chocolate eyes ever. The anger nearly drifts away but I yank it back.

"What the hell are they doing!?" I jab my finger at the scene below. Amir pears out the window.

"Training." He says calmly. My suspicions of being turned into a spy or assassin return.

"For what!?" He touches my shoulder.

"We are in a very illegal opperation here darling. We have to know how to defend ourselves." He looks me up and down. "Aren't You supposed to be sick?" He grabs my hand and pulls me the other way. "You need to be in bed. It's looks like you're about to explode.

My brain whirls. I stumble from side to side. I don't know what to believe. Who to trust. I start crying. Again.

I feel my knees give way and Amir lifts me up. His eyes look deep into mine.

I don't remember anything after that.

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