Chapter Seventeen

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"I don't remember." Eden stares at me sadly.

"So you don't remember anything about yesterday?" I shake my head.

"Must of slept all day."

"But you didn't. I talked to you."

"You did?" She sits in the armchair.

"I'm worried about you."

"That's nothing new." I say as I attempt to swallow a piece of roll.

"But really. How can you forget a whole day?" She leans close to me. "I know you enough to know that you would not lay in here sleeping all day."

"It doesn't matter." I give up and toss the roll into a small waste basket by the door. "You don really know me." I mumble. She presses her lips into a flat line. The doctor enters with a grin on his face.

"How are you today?" He plops down on the edge of my bed and feels my head.


"Your fevers certainly gone down. In fact... I think it's gone." The doctor rummages through his bag and brings out a small scalpel.

"What's that for?" I ask inching away.

"I need to take a tissue sample." He reaches for my arm but I pull it away.

"Why?" I am determined to keep all of my tissue connected to my body.

"To make sure what you had isn't going to come back, or spread, or do any more damage." He grasps my other arm and swiftly slices a small flap of skin from my arm. I screech and pull away. The doctor pulls out a cotton ball and some medicinal gauze and quickly wraps up the miniscule wound.

My two bites of breakfast threaten to resurface as my tissue sample is slid into a small container.

"I still don't know why that was necessary." The doctors eyes flash up to Eden who exchanges the knowing glance.

Eden looks at me. "Doctor. Briany says she doesn't remember anything about yesterday." I grunt defiantly. The doctor examines me, looking concerned.

"Is that so?" I shrug. Can't I just get some sleep? He grunts and stands. "Well I'll check on you in the morning. Get some sleep."

"Gladly." He shuts the door.

Eden glares at me.


She shakes her head. "We leave here in three days. Get yourself together."

"Get myself together? I'm not the one running this place. I think whoever is should pull themselves together. Maybe we do need the drones. This place is horrible."

"You don't mean that Briany. I know you don't. And what's so bad about this place?"

I open my mouth to retort but find my reasons missing. I know that what happened yesterday was awful and I don't agree with it. But I can't remember what it was.

Eden stands and stops by the door. "Training starts tomorrow. Be ready." She leaves before I can yell,

"For what!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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