Chapter Six

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The orange and pink, fall sky is so unwelcome today.

It's already uncomfortably nippy. Soon winter will reign. I didn't think about that when I agreed to run away.

"Are you ready sweetie?" Mom. Leans against the door. I slide the huge bag of food and supplies under the bed with my foot.

"Ya. Is the train almost here?"

"Should be." I tuck my hair behind my ears and look at her. My ridiculous, average looking mom. She seems troubled. "Briany." She swiftly closes the door and sits next to me on the bed. "I want you to know that you can tell me anything." Oh no. "How do you... feel? About being tagged?"

"How am I supposed to feel?" Now she really looks worried. I quickly search my brain files for anything about post tagging feelings.nothing comes directly to mind but I have to cover up or I'm not leaving today. At least not to where I want to go.“I guess renewed. Like a whole other person. A little confused but…” I search for the right word that will save me. “Happy.” Simple but it pleases mom. She pats the top of my hand.

“Alright. Let’s go.” I heave my bag onto my shoulder and follow her to the front door where dad stands.

“What’s in there?” Mom reaches for the flap just as the loud trains whistle blows. “Oh, we better run.” We do. The bag makes it harder. My shoes thump against the smooth black pavement. Dad helps me onto the platform and takes a look at me. His eyes are sad. His fake smile betrays him.

“My little girl, going out on her own.” He pulls me in for a hug. Then I turn to mom and she’s all crying and I have to hug her for like a whole minute.  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. This is just what all parents do. Textbook. I step up to the train and give my card to the conductor who checks authenticity. He nods, hands it back and before I can get on the train dad stops me. He mouths the words ‘I love you’. I feel a stab of guilt hit me like a bullet. I should want to say it back. But I don’t. Is something wrong with me? Without looking back I escape into the train. Tears streaming down my cheeks. seeming to freeze to my skin. Leaving cold cheeks. Just like my heart.

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