Part One

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Before I start this, I should say that none of this was my idea. But Cas said it would be good for me to put it down into words. And I know what you're thinking. Why is it me writing this and not Sam, the Stanford kid, right? Well that's easy. Sam and Gabriel are on their honeymoon. Can you believe it?? My own brother, marrying that 'trickster.' Ah, well at least they're happy. Also, Sam didn't see it like how I saw it. It didn't happen to him, it happened to me, so it's only fitting that I be the one to write it, don't you think? Who knows, maybe this'll help some hunters later on, but I doubt anyone is going to have to face something like this, like ever. Sammy and I just have rotten luck. We seem to get stuck with the really powerful stuff, like, well, I shouldn't give too much away. Anyway, so this is what happened I guess. I'm not much of a writer so bear with me.

~ D. W.

The quiet breeze ruffled the foliage as I crashed through the trees. Cold fear crept up my spine. I could hear the growls of the hellhounds as they leapt at me. One of them pinned me down, tearing at my flesh. It closed its jaws around my throat, and suddenly I was in a brightly lit courtyard. Amara was standing in front of me.

"Dean," she said. "We have a problem. Something has...been released from Heaven." Her face was frantic, frightened. "Listen carefully, Dean. This isn't like anything you or anyone has ever faced. There is no defeating it. It will destroy us all..." Amara's voice faded away and I found myself back in the darkening forest, hellhounds ripping into me. But this time I could hear a voice. It was soft, like velvet, but deep within, it resonated with a feeling of...what's the word? Ah yes. Chaos.

I jolted awake soaked in sweat.

"What the hell?" I murmured. But whatever I had just dreamed about was lost in the endless folds of my consciousness. I shrugged it off and got out of bed, pulling on a red flannel shirt and jeans.

"Sammy?" I called once I entered the dining room of the Bunker. My eyes wandered around the room until they landed on a beige trench coat hanging over a chair. I froze. My stomach heaved as memories flooded forward. His smile. His eyes. His...gullibility. I could remember how it felt to watch his life flash away. Anger boiled in the pit of my stomach. I was going to kill him. I was going to kill Lucifer for killing Cas.

"Dean? Are you okay?" I unclenched my fists and sighed, turning to Sam.

"Yeah. I'm good. Did you find us a case?" I asked.

"Well, Dean don't you think we should take a little time? I mean, we lost mom and Cas just—"

"Don't." I gritted my teeth. "Don't talk about him." Sam paused.

"Dean can I ask you a question?" he asked. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Did you... like Cas?" I scoffed.

"Of course. He was family. I don't think I understand."

"I mean, did you lov—"

"So what's this case you found?" I asked.


"Look Sam, I didn't love Cas. Not in that way. I like girls, okay? Now can you drop it?" I said, exasperated.

"Fine. But don't think I haven't noticed when you stare at his coat," Sam replied. I ignored him and opened my laptop, skimming for something that might be a case. Sam sat next to me. I searched until I found an article describing two disappearances in two days. I pointed it out to Sam.

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