Part Three

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Sam and I glanced at each other before rushing in. As soon as I entered the room, I stopped dead in my tracks. Sam ran into me.

"What the hell?" I heard him mutter before striding forward and enveloping my favorite redhead into a tight hug.

"Okay Dean, I get it. I'm glad to be back too. Now can you let go of me?" She said. I let go.

"Is it... actually you? You're not a demon? Or a shifter? Or some demented angel?" I asked.

"Hey that's offensive," Gabe muttered. I ignored him.

"Yes it's really her. Why do you think I brought you guys here? It's easiest to bring someone back when you're at the place of their death," Chuck explained. I didn't even look at him.

"Wow," I said. "" Charlie smiled.

"I missed you too, Dean," she looked over at Sam.

"Sammy!" she exclaimed and gave him a hug.

"I hate to interrupt this happy reunion, but we have work to do. First we gotta get Lucifer out of the alternate reality. Then we have to find Ja—" I cut Chuck off.

"Here's the thing, Chuckie. I've helped out this far, but if I'm gonna be totally honest with you, this is your fight. Not mine, Not Sam's, and certainly not Charlie's. So if we're going to keep helping you clean up your messes, I have two conditions. One, we get my mom out of that place too. And second, Charlie stays out of it," there was a hint of venom in my voice that surprised me. And from the looks on the others' faces, it surprised them too.

"Dean, we'll get your mom out, but as for Charlie... I can't promise that. I need her," Chuck replied.

"For what, Chuck?" I snapped.

"I can't really explain it right now..."

"Then we're done. Come on Sam. Charlie," I said.

"Wait, Dean. Charlie is...special," Chuck mumbled. I crossed my arms.

"How," I asked curtly.

"She's the first human in a thousand years who can channel godly powers. That's...going to be an important... attribute in the coming war," he explained. I stared at him.

"Okay. And? I mean, a war? I can't keep putting my family in danger for you, Chuck, God or not. We're out," I said and turned away, heading out the front door.

"Dean," I heard Charlie's voice call out softly. I stopped and sighed. Great.

"What is it Charlie?" I asked gently.

"I don't really... know what's going on, but if there's a war coming and there's a chance that we can stop it, don't you think we should at least try?" she asked. I looked at her, which was definitely a mistake, because something in her eyes broke me. I owed it to Cas to keep this world safe. He died for it after all.

"Fine, we'll do it. But if anything, and I mean anything happens to Sam or Charlie, I don't care if you're God, I will KILL you. Got it?" I threatened. Chuck grinned.

"Great! I'm glad you're on board. Now, as for what Charlie can do, come here and I'll show you," he replied. I stepped further into the room, past the threshold. Chuck moved toward Charlie and I tensed slightly. "Relax Dean," Chuck said. Then he reached out and grabbed Charlie's hand. At first nothing seemed to happen. Then golden veins of light flowed across Charlie's skin, illuminating the room. It gradually got brighter, until Sam and I had to shield our eyes. Gabriel stood watching, transfixed. Finally the light dimmed, revealing Chuck and Charlie, unharmed.

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