Part Seven

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I guess at this point I should pass the writing on to Cas. He's got to clear some things up. But don't worry. I'll be back later. So this is Dean, signing off. (I've always wanted to say that).

~D. W.

"Alright, ready?" Jack asked. We were all silent as Jack put a protective bubble around us. Dean stepped out of it and locked eyes with me. Chuck snapped and we were teleported to a little meadow on the outskirts of a creepy looking forest. I glanced around.

"Chuck, where's Dean?" I asked. Sam frowned, concerned.

"Hello boys," a voice said. Chaos! I whirled around to face him. "So nice of you to join my little party. Oh don't worry about Dean, Cassie. He's fine. Just being chased by some hellhounds, in there," Chaos pointed to the shadowy forest. My heart skipped a beat. "So I've gotta make this quick if I want to be there in time to save the poor boy. Lemme see.... Alright. You first," he turned to Charlie and in a motion as fast as lightning, snapped her neck. Nobody moved.

"Father—" Chuck began.

"Quiet," Chaos ordered. "It's my turn now. Did you really think you could win this? You may be this planet's maker, but you're no god. You never were." Chaos snapped his fingers and Lucifer exploded. If the circumstances were different I might have laughed. It was a fitting end, considering all Lucifer had done to me and my family. "Look at me. I'm destroying everything you care about. How does that feel, son," Chaos's words dripped with irony.

"Please, stop this," Chuck begged.

"I said, QUIET!" At this, Sam went up in smoke. I sucked in a tiny breath. Chaos heard it and turned to me. My heart was pounding. "You're fond of this one, aren't you," although he was looking at me, I knew the question was directed to Chuck, who said nothing. "Well, it's your lucky day, Cassie. I need you alive," Chaos said and turned to Gabriel, who was fighting back tears. His eyes were filled with rage.

"You killed Sam. My Sam," he said.

"Oh, I did, didn't I? I'm sorry," Chaos said in mock sympathy. Then he punched his hand into Gabriel's chest and tore out his heart.

"Brother..." I breathed. Then Jack stepped forward. I looked at him, silently willing him to stay quiet. But, of course, he didn't.

"This has to stop," he said.

"Ah, Lucifer's son. Such a brave, young thing. So powerful. Come, on. Let's see what you've got," Chaos said and spread his arms out wide, as if waiting for an embrace. Jack's eyes glowed yellow and he blasted Chaos with pulsating waves of energy. When he stopped, Chaos still stood. He wobbled slightly. "Well, you do have some power to you, don't you?" he said. He dropped Gabriel's bloody heart on the ground and stepped up to Jack. "Such a shame. Such a waste," he said and hugged Jack, a bright light emanating from him. When he finally released Jack, just a skeleton remained, before crumbling to ashes. I took a shaky breath. I had never felt so helpless before. So hopeless.

"Alright, kids, time to play," Chaos said. He snapped his fingers and a cage appeared around Chuck. "I'll deal with you later. And don't worry, you'll probably figure out how to escape that cage eventually, should I fail to return," Chaos jived mockingly. "But that'll never happen," he said and turned on his heel. "Come along, Cassie." I glanced at Chuck, the only father I'd ever known.

"It's okay, Castiel. Go with him. We'll figure this out," he said in the gentlest tone I had ever heard. In his eyes I could see he was terrified that Chaos would kill me too. I nodded to reassure him, but I knew what he said was futile. Chaos was too powerful. It was up to Dean now. I followed Chaos down a trail into the forest.

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