in unity there is strength

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Cheryl and Toni at Thistlehouse after Jughead kicked them out of the Serpents

Post 03x09 "No Exit"

"Can you believe this? I mean how could that beanie wearing hobo do this?" Cheryl marched around her room in anger

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"Can you believe this? I mean how could that beanie wearing hobo do this?" Cheryl marched around her room in anger.

After returning to Thistlehouse on Toni's bike the pair wordlessly made their way to their bedroom. Cheryl had stomped up the stairs in anger while Toni dragged behind, her head held in both shock and defeat.


"After everything we've done for them! After everything you've done for them! For him!"


"This is an outrage, TT! I won't stand for this. I'm going to go back down to the river and give that ragamuffin a piece of my mind," she continued, not registering Toni's pleas.

"Cheryl, stop!"

The redhead stopped her pacing instantly, her focus snapping to her girlfriend. Only then did Cheryl notice the tears streaming down Toni's face. "TT, I'm so sorry," she ran to her, throwing her arms around the shorter girl. "I just want to fix this."

"There's no fixing t-this, C-Cher. We're o-out." Toni's cries instantly turned into full blown sobs as her body shook against Cheryl's. Her knees gave out on her, and she collapsed to the floor, pulling the redhead down with her.

"Please tell me what to do, Toni. Please," Cheryl begged. She felt lost. She knew this was her fault, even if Toni willingly went along with her plans. And she had even gotten Fangs kicked out as well in her feeble attempts to avoid their fate.

You really fucked this up, Blossom.

"Babe," Cheryl continued, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks as well. "What can I do?"

"Nothing," her voice muffled into Cheryl's red Serpent jacket, which she had yet to remove. "There's n-nothing we c-can do. My f-fam-family..."

"I'm still your family, TT. Just like you're mine," Cheryl told her as she gently ran her pale fingers through Toni's pink highlights.

They stayed like that for a while, simply holding each other on the floor of their shared bedroom. Cheryl tried to be strong for Toni, knowing right now that's what her girlfriend needed, but inside she felt just as broken as the girl in her arms.

The redhead was used to her family not wanting her. Clifford and Penelope always treated her as a burden that came along with Jason. She was never wanted by them, a fact they had reminded her of nearly every day.

The Serpents don't want you. You'll never have a family who wants you. Your own parents didn't even want you.

Jason had wanted her, but Cheryl couldn't help be wonder if he would have still loved her if they weren't siblings. Would he had wanted to be her friend if they hadn't been twins? She didn't allow herself to go down those rabbit holes, knowing they would only lead her down a self destructive path.

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