open up again i believe in second chances

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Betty is running out of ideas, but she knows she has to do something to save her mom, her sister, and the twins from the Farm. She turns to the one person who may be able to help, but in doing so she will need to swallow her pride and make things right. After all she wants to put her family back together, her entire family.


Betty goes to Cheryl to ask her to help talk some sense into Polly.


*disclaimer* I am by no means an expert on cults. I don't know the proper way to convince people to leave. This is probably riddled with inaccurate information/approaches since my background limited to various Google searches. This is more of a wish fulfillment of what I wish the show would do, especially since Cheryl has had no interaction with her niece and nephew.

Sorry if this is terrible... I've basically second guessed every aspect of it at some point. But here it is, whatever it is...

Knocking echoed through the walls of Thistlehouse

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Knocking echoed through the walls of Thistlehouse. Pounding really. Whoever was at the door was determined to get someone's attention.

Toni made her way down the stairs towards the source of the incessant noise. When she opened the door she let out an exasperated sigh upon being greeted by one of the last people she wanted to deal with.

"What do you want, Betty?"

The blonde adjusted her pink jacket as she tried to straighten her posture, feeling slightly intimidated by the shorter girl. She knew coming here was a long shot, but she needed help and was running out of options. "Hello to you too, Toni. Is Cheryl home?"

"And I should let her see you why exactly?" Toni rolled her eyes, wanting nothing to do with the faux Serpent Queen before her.

"Please? It's really important. I wouldn't be here otherwise."

"Did your boyfriend send you?"

Betty shook her head without hesitation, "No. This isn't about him or the Serpents. Now, please, can I talk to Cheryl?"

Toni exhaled in frustration as she stepped out of the way and let Betty cross through the threshold. "She's in the sitting room. Follow me," she instructed with annoyance dripping from every word she spoke.

The two walked silently through the house towards the room Cheryl resided in. The redhead was perched on one of the couches, drawing pad in hand, as she worked on her latest sketch. Her attention perked at the sound of footsteps approaching, "TT, who was at the door?" She looked up from her work to see Betty standing awkwardly in the door frame. "Oh, hello, cousin."

"Betty has something to talk to you about apparently."

Cheryl gave a shy smile, "What did you need to talk about?" She adjusted herself to make room on the couch besides her and motioned for Betty to sit.

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