player two has entered the game

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Summary: Cheryl has a crush on the pink haired girl working at the video game store next to her work. There's one problem standing in her way: she has no idea how to ask her out on a date.

 There's one problem standing in her way: she has no idea how to ask her out on a date

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"I'm going to do it. I'm just going to go over there and ask her out. It will be fine," Cheryl said aloud in an attempt to convince herself more than her coworker and friend.

For the last six weeks, Cheryl had been looking forward to Fridays. That was the day she had the same shift as the beautiful pink haired girl working at the game store next to the tuxedo rental boutique she was employed. The redhead would flirt casually with her whenever their pasts crossed. She was completely smitten.

All Cheryl wanted was for the girl to ask her out. Her advances weren't that subtle. She had always been an expert in getting people to do what she wanted, but the other girl alluded her. Somehow that made her want her even more. Not to mention, she was gorgeous.

"Cheryl," Kevin pulled her out of her thoughts, "you said you were going five minutes ago, but you haven't moved."

"Just... preparing myself."

He observed her quizzically and smiled. "Like she's going to say no. I've known you for three years. You could sell ice to an eskimo. Now get over there and just sell yourself instead."

"You did not just suggest I sell myself."

"God, not like that," he defended. "I mean give that girl your winning smile and get that date. You can do this."

"I can do this. Okay, here I go." She pursed her lips and nodded. Determination was evident across her ivory face. Cheryl walked out of Pop's Formal Wear and rounded the corner.

She stood outside Southside Spawn, the local video game store, and peered around, not wanting to step foot inside if she wasn't working. Her lips instantly curled upwards into a smile upon seeing the girl walk out of the back room.

"I can do this," Cheryl reminded herself as she walked inside the store. She made a beeline for the girl before veering off course at the last second, pretending she was there to shop.

"Oh hey, Cheryl."

The redhead couldn't help but smile. She turned to look at the girl, taking in her bright pink hair cascading over her shoulders from under the black beanie sitting on top of her head.

"Hi, Toni," Cheryl blushed. "H-how are you?"

"Better now that you're here," Toni said.


"Yeah," the pinkette confirmed. "We've been dead all day. I can only alphabetize so much until I go crazy."

"Right," Cheryl responded, feeling deflated. For a moment, she believed Toni had been excited because of her, not simply just because there was another human to interact with. "We've been slow as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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