twas the night before christmas

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In an attempt to combine holiday traditions, Cheryl comes up with an idea to organize a toy drive for the children of Riverdale. Toni had always looked forward to the ones the Serpents used to do and was beyond excited about her girlfriend's suggestion... until she found out the details.

Christmas time in Riverdale was filled with merriment, laughter, and yuletide

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Christmas time in Riverdale was filled with merriment, laughter, and yuletide. It had always been Cheryl's favorite time of year, even as a little girl. It was never the same after Jason's death, but Toni gave her a new reason to look forward to the holiday.

The previous Christmas had been celebrated in the style Cheryl had grown accustomed. Everything was just as it has always been for the redhead, but after certain revelations had contributed to her and Toni's brief separation earlier that year, Cheryl wanted the holiday to be theirs, not simply her own.

Toni never had many traditions growing up. Most years she was lucky to find a warm place to sleep, let alone receive a present. There were no Christmas trees or stockings hung by fireplaces. The holidays just didn't carry the same weight for her as they did her girlfriend, but the one thing she did look forward to every year was the Christmas toy drive the Serpents led for local children in need. To Toni, the holidays didn't mean fancy meals or decked out trees, it meant giving.

The Serpents hadn't done their annual drive last year; the loss of the Whyte Wyrm and change in leadership made organizing more difficult than it had been in the past. Toni had no idea if they were doing something this year, but she doubted it; not that she spoke to any of them anymore. Still, she missed it... a lot. She missed the look on the kids' faces as they opened what may be their only gifts this year, she missed the feeling of doing something good without anything in return, and, while she'd never admit this last part to anyone besides Cheryl, she missed her boys.

Of course, her girlfriend knew without having to be told. Cheryl had been making an effort all year to pay more attention to what her girlfriend needed, scared to misstep and cause a repeat of their spring breakup. No one could claim Cheryl Blossom wasn't a considerate girlfriend, and, if they thought it, they were too scared of her to say it aloud.

The redhead had formulated the perfect way to blend their traditions and give her girlfriend a piece of her Christmases back: a toy drive put on by the Pretty Poisons. Toni had loved the idea, a smile immediately crossing her face. Cheryl couldn't help but feel a sense of pride while watching the pinkette's face light up at her suggestion. That excitement soon faded as Toni learned the rest of Cheryl's plan for the event.

"Costumes? You're killing me, Cher," the pinkette pouted. She loved her girlfriend, nothing could ever changed that, but sometimes her extraness was tiring.

"But of course, TT. The children will love it."

"I really don't think they're going to care one way or another what we're wearing."

Cheryl scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "Not all of us will be donning holiday attire. The rest of the Poisons will be clothed as usual."

"Hold on; so everyone but us will be wearing their jackets?"

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