5 la dee da da day!

223 14 10

Reader takes focus meds 😫😫 I'm adding too much context to this reader smh


“Well, you know what they say.  If every porkchop were perfect, we wouldn’t have hotdogs...” Emile was rambling about... something.  “Man, it's been so long since I've inhabited a body!” (Y/n) nodded along absentmindedly.

Emile frowned and snapped his fingers.    “(Y/n), I've been quoting different cartoons for about a minute now.  What's outside that's got your interest so piqued?” Emile’s sudden volume brought (y/n) back to the present. They jumped and whipped their head and attention away from the window.

They looked sheepish as they scratched their neck. “Sorry Picani, I forgot to take my meds today.  Plus, have you seen how nice it is outside?  It's my favorite kinda weather, kinda medium-temperature with a bunch of cumulus clouds so I can look at the shapes and then there's a breeze but it's a warm breeze, ugh I love it!” (Y/n) was practically bouncing on the couch— oh wait, they were bouncing on the couch.  Emile's bothered frown turned into a bright grin as he laughed.

    “You know what?  Why don't we have our session outside today!  Gosh darn, if I don't need to get outside more, we could go for a walk in the park or something!” Emile suggested, and dang, he was going to have to keep surprising them if he got to see their face light up like this every time.

“Oh my goodness!  Picani you are the best therapist I've ever had,” (Y/n) declared, standing up and striking a princely pose.

“You know, I’m also the only therapist, unless you count the therapist that you've told me you barely remember, but I'll take it!” Emile laughs with a grin, pushing his chair back and walking to the door.

(Y/n) was practically vibrating to move around, like in Tom and Jerry when Tom would jump and shake the floor; Jerry would just vibrate around from the force or gravity or whatever it is. I mean– oh, look!

They reached the outside of Emile's building and (Y/n) literally squawked in happiness, holding their arms out and spinning on their heel.  Emile laughed, not bothering to hide the soft affection in his gaze.

“Normally I'd hiss away from sunlight like a freshly turned vampire but GODDAMN I am FEELING IT today!” Their energy—if it wasn’t already obvious—was apparent as they strode through the small parking lot to the sidewalk.  Emile followed, spinning along with them.

“Well that is certainly good to hear!  Sunlight’s good for ya, all that vitamin D and junk!” Emile laughed, taking a moment to look around before turning one direction, presumably in the way of the park.

“Sis, I already get plenty of vitamin D.” (Y/n) winked.  Emile gasped dramatically, batting at their shoulder. They both giggled, knowing that (y/n) was a big fucking virgin. Don’t know how that conversation came up...

They walked through the park their entire session, chatting about literally everything that came to mind.

“Oh my god, you have no idea how much it pisses me off when people put vampires in a modern setting and they can't see their reflection.  LIKE YES THEY FUCKING CAN. THEY DIDN'T USED TO BE ABLE TO BECAUSE MIRRORS WERE BACKED WITH SILVER AKA THE HOLY METAL OR WHATEVER BUT NOW WE'RE CHEAP HOES AND MIRRORS ARE BACKED WITH ALUMINIUM SO YES THEY MOTHERFUCKING CAN.

(562 words)


You're dead to me if you think modern vampires cant see themselves in mirrors


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