A Change of Events

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Third Person P.O.V.

Bella, Edward, and Seth had just returned from the mountains to see Jacob Black being carried away. Bella looked over to see a Burnett sitting over on the ground screaming and digging her fingers into the once soft grassy land.

"Who's she, and is Jacob okay?" Bella said concerned more for her best friend then whoever this crazed newborn was.

Carlisle was first to respond "Jacob is fine Bella, as for her," he said pointing off to the girl on the ground, "Her name is Bree Tanner she has surrendered in exchange for us not killing her."

Alice spoke just as Carlisle finished, "They will be here soon" she said coldly. 

"What? Who will be here soon?" Bella cocked her head sideways to look at Edward as she asked this question. Edward who had been silent grimaced and spoke just as coldly as Alice. 

"The Volturi."

Fear crossed Bella and she tightened her grip on Edwards hand. "Who is all coming of them Alice?" Carlisle said looking at her out of the corner of his eye while watching the girl on the ground "A few of the guard, Jane, Alec, and...." Alice scowled then said the final person "...Aro."

Just then the Volturi stepped forward "Why thank you Alice, what a nice greeting" Aro murmured. Jane looked over to the newborn the ground "You missed one" The members of the Volturi that had come looked over as well, "She is correct... Why?" Aro said in his soft but cold tone but his expression remained calm.

"She surrendered if we would spare her life, and I accepted," answered Carlisle. 

"That wasnt yours to offer" Jane said coldly the angelic like child staring but showed no emotion. "The Volturi does not give second chances."

"Jane" said Aro looking at her "Let us give this young one a chance, " he said "maybe, if the Cullens can teach her to control herself to teach her to keep us a secret, I don't see why not. In fact, come here young one."

Nervous as ever Bree Tanner stepped forward, and Aro took her hand. "Only 15" he murmured "So young" Aro listened to the child's thoughts for another minute or two and then let her hand go. "I believe the Volturi will give you a second chance Bree Tanner, if you learn to follow the rules you will not be bothered. Speaking of rules" he said looking to Bella "You are still human", 

"The dates set" Bella answered bravely and thus began Bree's second chance.

The Long Second Life of Bree TannerWhere stories live. Discover now