A Mate

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Bree's P.O.V

I couldn't believe it, these people... apparently I'm guessing there royals for Vampires, they spared me. I couldn't be more happy but I was thirsty I wanted the girl, I think her name was Bella, I wasn't sure either way but I wanted her.

The man who had made the original deal with me to live stepped forward, "Hello Bree, I believe now is time for proper introduction, I'm Carlisle, this is Esme, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Edward, and Bella." So her name was Bella glad I got it right.

"I believe Jasper, will take you to hunt and then you can come to our home." I nodded and followed the blonde boy who never was far away from me, he looked like he was in pain. Either way it didn't matter I just wanted to get my thirst under control.

Jasper and I went to an excluded area hunting various animals and such whatever we could catch. Nothing much here, we headed towards the Cullen home.

When we arrived I could smell a burning pain it smelled of wet dog, gross. I remembered the wolves that had attacked us and seen three straight ahead of me, a gray one, a tan one, and a reddish brown one who was slightly hobbling but he was okay.

I looked toward the tan one who turned to his boy form he only had shorts on the rest of him was naked. We looked at each other gazing into each other's eyes, it was that moment we saw a part like nothing else, I didn't know this strange boy, but as the Cullens who now stood in the doorway and the two other wolves watched, this young boy fell to his knees, and looked at me as if I was the sun.

I remembered reading legends from my books, I understood what he did now, I couldn't believe it, who was he and why did he... did he...

Imprint on me.

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