Rosalie and Leah

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Bree's P.O.V.

The boy silently got up from his knees as he crossed to me, but without warning I was attacked by the grayish wolf. I screamed in horror as I felt her sharp ragged teeth dig into my cold hard skin. Only seconds later the reddish brown wolf threw her off me, I pulled myself together trying to stand as Seth the boy pulled me up.

I watched as Rosalie looked disgusted as well, "Great those pathetic dogs ruin everything." Leah the gray would looked to her and she phased back. "What's that supposed to mean Bloodsucker." "It means that all of you just imprint on whoever you look at and see the sun, I can't believe your bother chose a vamp on." Leah looked at her for a moment "You know for a leech I agree with you."

I just watched we all did as Rosalie and Leah shook hands and just started talking forming a friendship, two people you thought were cold hearted turned out to be great friends. But was there more.


I turned to Seth, "Why'd you imprint?" He laughed,

"You are my sun I suppose I like you your so beautiful and amazing." 

I laughed. "Good to know." Suddenly Alice stopped for a moment her face went blank. Edward looked fearfully towards me. 

"Oh my god", "The Volturi want Seth and Bree now." 

"Why?" said Carlisle 

"There's been a witness," Alice muttered 

"Someone else saw Seth imprint, on a Vampire, now they want them both dead."

Great I thought These Volutri people really want me dead, "We need to change Bella, or we will all die." Alice added, "That's Aro's decision."

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