My Coven Remembrance

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I hadn't given much thought to my coven, it hadn't even been one day, but it was getting late. I stared outside of a window and began thinking about my coven. Edward was listening to my thoughts, but I wasn't paying attention.

I remembered Diego, how could Riley and Victoria do this. Why did Victoria who I had heard Edward say was her, have a grudge against Bella. Why did they kill Diego? I was glad Raoul and Kristie were gone, as well as Kevin and the spider man kid, and most of my coven. I remembered how I used to hide behind Fred so I didn't die. Wait Fred's still alive! He said he would wait till the end of the day for me.

I looked outside; I had just enough time to make it. Maybe the Cullen's wouldn't mind meeting a nice Vampire of my coven, who even was gifted. "Who's Fred, and did you say he was gifted?" Edward asked glancing at me.

I gulped I should have been paying attention, "Um well he figured out what Riley was up to himself, and he left way back in Seattle, I only came here really to find my close friend Diego, but I figured that Riley and Victoria already killed him. Fred is waiting for me, he said he would wait till the end of today, I could bring him here if you want, and he is gifted."

Carlisle had entered and hadn't made a sound but he spoke now, "Go get him Bree, I'd like to meet him, Edward and Alice you go with her."

"Okay" said a cheery little Alice.

Edward just nodded and turned to Bella, "I'll be back soon."

Bella nodded and sat down next to Rosalie who gave a little huff, she didn't seem to want her here. I followed Edward and Alice out the door, then I took the lead and started running towards were Fred was at.

When we reached there, a dark figure stood, but I could barely look at it. "Fred?" I said I can't get near you if you don't drop that protection thing. It suddenly dropped and I stepped towards him now.

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