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"Magicians, puppets to their Mistress they are."-Mistress Ivory Inglenook

Year 146

"You've been pretty quiet today." violet eyes peered at Kira, lips scrunched up slightly. Narus poked Kira, and, after receiving no response, poked her again. "Hey, Kira?" And again. And again. "Geez, is waiting for the test making you this nervous?"Kira narrowed her eyes, looking up with an unamused scowl. "What, Narus?"An amused grin spread across his face, finally getting a reaction from her. "You're hardly talking." Narus drawled, poking her cheek. "Somethin's up with you today."Kira responded with a glare, smacking his hand away from her face. "Would you quit that?" Narus pouted, "aw, you're no fun today."Still no response."Hey, are you doing alright?" Narus asked, slight concern in his voice. Kira sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine.""You sure?" Narus wasn't convinced.

"Oh shut up, did you go deaf or something?" Kira snapped. "I'm doing fine."

"There's a lie if I ever heard one," Narus said, brows raising. Cheeky smile on his face. He didn't even know he was making it worse. "But then again, you were never really a good liar."

"Shut up."

"Oh come on, you're never this grumpy. Tell me what's bothering you." Narus grumbled, peering over her shoulder. "Normally you're always going on about what your gonna do tomorrow. And the days you don't, I know you're gonna prank me."

"shut up, Narus!" Kira bit, eyes blazing.

He blinked, slightly taken aback. "Sheesh, okay! Next time I won't be nice!"


"Next time I won't be nice!" a young Kira yelled at George, storming towards him. "You jerk, you can't have more than one sword!" It hadn't started out as violent. Just wandering around, playing hide in seek. Then George had picked up a stick and used it like a cane, which Kira found funny. "With my secret technique of branches you'll never find me!" He laughed.

So Kira had picked up one too, and began whacking the trees calling out 'come out come out wherever you are!. Aria muttered something about how it was stupid, but her smile gave away her true feelings. "Come out come out wherever you are!" Kira yelled again, not realising that she had hit Georges stick. And so a sword match started. Kira versus George, no magic allowed.

"Hey!" George yelled, running out and striking Kira's branch. The match had started simple enough, Kira and George were almost evenly matched. Kira was taller than George, although not by much. The sticks they were, although not thick, somehow held up against each other. It went on for about two minutes before Kira almost had him beat. But George wasn't afraid to play rough, and had ended up kicking Kira to get out of a stick lock. Kira's stick had broken from the impact, and she scrambled to find a new one.

Gorge simply grinned, picking up another. Then scampered away from Kira and sticking out his tongue. "It is too! Your parents were super powerful! It's only fair!" He cackled, trying to make his way up a tree without his hands.

"Get back here!" Kira yelled, holding up her stick as if to stab him.

"You'll never take me alive!" George laughed, "Come and get me Kir-" He was cut short as a woodchip the size of a pebble hit George on the temple. "...ra" George looked up to see a tan hand outstretched, hiding in the trees. One clasped a slingshot, while the other was clinging to the tree branch.

Aria laughed from her perch, black hair and ribbons glimmering in the shadows.

"He-hey! No fair!" George yelled rubbing his temple.

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