
18 1 2

Year 146

Everyone stared at Kira for a minute, slowly comprehending what was before them. Lee and Serenity with recognition.

"Is that-" Lee started.

Kira grinned, letting the sword dispearce into her hip once more. "Father didn't leave us alone." Turning back to Sondor, she pulled up her hood. "I don't understand it either."

Sondor slowly closed his gaping mouth. " is that even possible?" He muttered, handing Kira the satchel.

"My parents were extraordinary people."

Sondor rolled his eyes. "Do you seriously think I'm excepting that answer?"

Kira shrugged. "It's the only answer I have. But I'll find the answer for you."

"It's better be good."

"Oh, it will." She said, slinging over her shoulder. "Don't get kidnapped while your at it."

Sondor opened his mouth to say something, then sighed. "You'd better know what you're doing Kira."

"Yeah." Shooting one last glance at Lee, Kira turned to Serenity. " already know what I'm going to do."

Serenity nodded. "You're going to try to find her."

She smiled. "Yeah."

"Then let me come with you."

Kira stopped. "What?"

"I need to do this. You'll need someone to go with you and Sondor is in a to valuable position."

"I'm fine by myself."

"You can't always be by yourself."

A pause.

Kira clenched her teeth. "I can. I've been, and this isn't any different."

"It is different." Serenity said, "You have people who actually want you. And you're pushing their help away. You have the choice this time, don't go by yourself."

Kira sighed, looking down.

"What's your plan?"


The two girls crept in the undergrowth, watching the road carefully as the crowd thinned. Gate street. The wall towered high above, casting a shadow along the edges. The clouds above darkened, the wind picking up. The typical four guards were stationed at the gate, traditional bands displaying the magicians crest along with weapons.

"The gates are opened with magic." Serenity explained. "Since the gate is so large, only a violet or high ranking official can open it. On top of that, you probably need some sort of marking by the council to open it. Otherwise they'd notice someone operating it without verification."

"So what are we gonna do?" Kira asked, crouching besides her.

"We have to find the official and steal their band."

"Which one could it be-?" Kira asked around, scanning the street with her eyes. The street wasn't extremely populated, just the guards and two men walking aimlessly about. One of the men returned to sitting against the wall, pulling out a flask from is coat and taking a large gulp. She scowled at him. The other one seemed to be conversing half heartedly with the guards. And, after a few minutes, walked back to his shop.

"Which one do you think it is?" Kira asked.

Serenity paused. It was difficult to see the men rank bands from there. From what she knew from Sondor, it typically wasn't protocol to discuss anything related to the council outside of their facilities. But she had no idea what they had been talking about. Drinking more than three pints of alcohol was prohibited for upper ranks in case their magic went out of control. Her eyes flicked between the two men, mentally weighing the chances.

"That one." She nodded to the man with the flask.

"How are we gonna get to him? He's all walled up."

"We could use magic to snatch it."

"Hey, I don't know if you've noticed, but magic is kinda bright and glowy."

"Do you have a better idea?"

" have to do it."

Serenity rolled her eyes. "Fine, lets go."


Serenity frowned at the man, trying her best to not make a sound and wake him. She crept over to his wrist, trying to push up his sleeve. The man snored loudly, drool hanging from his mouth. The smell of alcohol wafted up, making her gag silently.

"Hurry up!" Kira whispered loudly.

Serenity glared, but pushed up the man's sleeve. The magicians gleamed between violet lacing. She blinked. Where was the verifier? Serenity looked panickedly at the band again.

"Serenity!" Kira whispered.

"Quiet!" She hissed back, rolling up the magicians other sleeve. He stirred, and Serenity froze.

"Who...?" the magician drawled

She hardly breathed.

"No, not right now Drew..." He slurred, waving Drew's notion away.

Serenity sighed, grabbing his wrist. Crest, lacing, violet...wait. "No, no no..." She whispered. Where was the verifier?

Hurriedly she unlaced the band, praying it was there. Serenity yanked at the leather, shaking it out. Nothing. "No.' She said, feeling around for something. Anything. Finally she hit something. A gap in the leather. A weird ridge, that just didn't feel right. Carefully, she looked inside. A hidden pocket, with a small rectangle of wood inside.

Serenity had to stop herself from yelling. It had the crest. "I have it." She whispered, relieved. "Let's go." She ran a few steps ahead, before turning back. "Kira?" She asked. Kira was staring intently and the slumbering man. "Kira, what are you doing!" Serenity sighed. Kira crept over, reached into the man's coat quickly. She took out his flask, examining it. "Don't drink." She said bitterly, pouring the flasks contests out.

"Kira." Serenity sighed.

"Stop, I'm saving him from alcoholics." She muttered, waving her away. Not noticing the alcohol falling closer and closer to the magician.


The man woke with a start. "...wait haven't I seen a face like yours?" he slurred, standing up groggily.

"um." Was all Kira said, backing away. Serenity grabbed her arm, pulling her away.

"'re the one they're looking for!" The man yelled, now fully awake. "You! I- I should grab you!"

"Run!" Serenity yelled, yanking Kira back. The magician lunged for them, barely missing. He sprinted after them, chasing them into the street. Their footfalls crunched on the dirt, as the magicians voice yelling behind them. Serenity and Kira spirited down the street, hardly looking back.

"That's her!" The magician yelled, pointing frantically at them. "The missing one! The Dissident!"

"You-" Kira started, backing away from the guards. Serenity pulled up her hood, glancing at the sky. "Kira..." The guards raised their swords, crest's gleaming. A single drop of rain fell, landing loudly on the brick road. Rain began pattering down from the dark sky as one of the guards raised their swords, pointing it at Kira.

"Kira Dedicade." He said, voice deep and full of authority. "You are wanted by the Council of Magicians for questioning. "

Kira glared silently at them, knowing full well who they meant. "That's not it, is it?" She asked, voice muffled by the rain.

The guards shared glances. "The high mistress Inglenook has...also requested your presence."


All hell broke loose.


Surprise! I'm back people!

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