
19 1 1

year 146

Kira Dedicade of one of the weirdest people Serenity had ever met.

Kira Dedicade was a mystery, a puzzle. Serenity liked puzzles. She could solve them more easily than her actual problems. Puzzle had solutions. Easy ones at that. They could be so obvious, yet it could take one so long to figure it out.

Kira was a strange one. So nosy, yet so private. She liked asking more questions than answering them. Even though Kira had been going to her house for three weeks, Serenity still knew nothing about her.

Kira was a blank slate, so to speak. Serenity guessed she had something terrible in her past, as she never mentioned her family or friends. The only thing they knew was that she was an older sister, and that she woke up early every morning. Seriously though, why would you willingly wake up before dawn? Serenity had asked Kira about her motives only once, when she made a pot of tea for both of them. She had done it as a bribe. Serenity handed Kira a cup, the girl eyeing her suspiciously.

"What?" she asked flatly, pouring a cup of tea for herself.

"Why are you making me tea?" Kira asked, sensing something was up. So she wasn't as dense as she thought she was.

"Why are you so suspicious?" retorted Serenity, before taking a sip of her tea.

Kira had bristled. "Hasn't Sondor told you?!"

She frown. Yes, he had told Serenity. Kira said it was for 'research'. That was incredibly suspicious, and yet he kept letting this blank slate girl into their house. But it couldn't be just that simple. Someone would get suspicious. Kira couldn't possibly think she could get away with this. That was stupid. And no one, especially not Kira, could be that stupid. The council was always monitoring their records carefully, censoring, and controlling what's known to the public. Kira couldn't be that stupid. She needed someone on the inside to help her. If she didn't, then she'd be caught and banished without a second thought.That was a whole other level of stupidity.

Kira gaped at her, eyes wide. Her mouth hung slightly open, her cup stalled on its way to her lips.

And Serenity had said that all out loud, hadn't she. "What?" said Kira, standing up. Serenity rolled her eyes, setting her tea down. "What did you say Serenity?" Kira demanded behind her. Serenity didn't look back. She had warned her. Kira's intentions might be shady, but she needed to be warned.

"I'll be in my room." She said quietly, before shutting the door.

The tea Serenity made was cold and untouched by the time Sondor came back.


After Serenity left the room, she slumped against the wall. She had blown it again. But she didn't particularly like people. Sondor didn't really understand that. Serenity just didn't have many friends, but that was because she was a thinker. Or had at least, become one. She didn't feel the need for them. After her test, when she had seen that girl get banished, she hadn't been the same. So the friends she'd had decided to leave. That test had made her see the corruption of Aurora. Serenity still remembered her desperate expression on her face. The tears in her green eyes. The girl... She couldn't remember her name anymore.

Why didn't she remember her name? She had told her, before she was swept up into the illusion. The girl had grinned, tilting her head slightly. Her name. What was her name? Why couldn't she remember? She was a horrible person for that.

But after that, the test, Serenity had searched all around for a sign of hope. The colourless were that sign of hope. The girl could still be alive. There was so much fight in her. She had fought against the guards, even though she was outmatched. And what has Serenity done? Just watched and hadn't helped. Even when the girl had screamed her name.

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