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Year 146

Sondor always kept old records in the back room, for archiving or whatever. Boxes and boxes of information just waiting to be read. A library at their fingertips. Sondor let Kira search for information there, under the condition she put everything back. Kira was confident she could find the right information, but quickly realised the size of her task.

Records, reports, pages upon pages of articles. It was almost unbelievable. Sondor had set aside the reports from the years when the Colourless started appearing, but it was still a lot to sort through. And so many people who were banished. Not just Aria, although she found her record. Probably the only thing that proved she existed. She was beginning to lose hope.

Once, she even stumbled a report about her parents.

Kira left after that.


Serenity entered the record room, to find everything an utter mess. Papers, files, scrolls, all scattered on the floor without rhythm or reason. It looked like Kira hadn't cleaned up after she left. "Kira..." She muttered, picking up a random paper. "Can't she keep things straight?" Serenity stacked the papers together, glancing at them briefly.Then gasped as she saw the name on the article.

Aria Lang

Date of banishment: 3rd day of 6th month, Year 145

Reason for banishment: failing the test

Serenity dropped the paper like it was on fire. That...she knew that name. It was the name of that girl. The one with the emerald eyes. Hesitantly, she picked up another paper. Michael Heath, disobeyed the council in year 144. Arianna Green, failed the test in year 142. Leya Goldenrod, rebelled during her test, purposely getting banished in year 143. So many people who had been banished.

Slowley, she began sorting through the information. This report here, this article there, until the room was almost back to its usual self

But There was one pile of documents that stood out among the rest, one that Kira had set aside. Slowley, she crept towards it. Auruma Inglenook, from a long line of strong magicians. All the articles praised the Inglenook family, and Auruma's magic. She tried to find out more about the Inglenook family line, but only found a few obscure references. The woman had a reputation for being powerful, almost as much as the Ancients. Auruma looked shockingly similar to Kira. The same face shape, the same eyelashes. Although, her hair was longer, the top half swept up into an elegant bun. She had dimples when she smiled, which brought out her freckles even more.

Kira didn't have freckles, or those deep gray eyes. But she was beautiful.

Serenity looked more. She found an article on Xanther Dedicade. He was a man with warm eyes and tousled brown hair. Handsome, always seemed to be carrying a sword around. Known for his incredible summoning magic.

Then Serenity found it, in the back corner of the room. It was a painting of a young Kira, and another small girl. Kira's sister, Serenity assumed. The parchment was from And there was Auruma Inglenook, the magic prodigy. Only much older. Her blonde hair had faded to a dull brown, and her freckles weren't as noticeable. Auruma had Kira on her lap, looking happily at the painter. Next to Auruma sat Xanther, with the happiest smile Serenity had ever seen. He had Kira's eyes. Warm fiery brown, that radiate warmth. His smile softened the now weathered edges of his face, his hands resting on the hilf of his sword.

Despite herself, Serenity smiled. Kira looked so happy, happier than she had ever seen her. There was a light in her brown eyes, one she hadn't seen before. Carefully, almost caringly, she turned over the document. Then sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth, as she read the title of the article.

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