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"Iris! Iris!!"

The woman calls out in a mother's grief, stumbling through the shambles of their broken home. Her husband was dead, their son was dead. She herself was nearing death, blue blood flowing from a wound in her chest.

Her wings crushed, the woman couldn't fly. She couldn't find her daughter. Was her daughter still alive?

"Momma! Momma!"

The woman turns at the sound, seeing a girl in a dusty pink dress running toward her. The girl was cut in multiple places, blue staining the pale pink of her dress. Her wings, still miraculously intact, fluttered behind her.

"Iris! Oh Iris..." The mother ran forward, ignoring the pain from her wound. She embraced her daughter, almost crying with relief.

"You survived, momma..." The girl said.

"...not for long, sweetie" the mother whispered. "I'm dying...and no healing magic will work."

"But...what about Dad? And Aaron?"

"...They're gone..."

"No..." Iris said, tears leaking from her eyes.

"I'm sorry honey...those creatures seem unbothered by anything but light magic...and light mages are rare these days. Your father...." She paused. "...he and your brother both fought back...but..." Her strength was failing.

"No, momma, don't die..." Frantically Iris used the only healing magic she knew, but it did nothing. He mother was dying fast.

"Listen Iris. do....don't....don't hold a grudge against those...creatures.......bitterness keeps you from flying...."

"Momma... momma..." Iris sobbed.

" need to get to safety...get off this world..."

And with that her mother fell lifeless in her daughter's arms.

Iris fell to her knees, her mother's corpse in front of her.

Her cried echoes around the empty valley.

It was the scratching that brought her back.

It sounded like a thousand nails on a thousand chalkboards.

She flew.

Tears still running down her face, she flew up, up, up, breaking the planets atmosphere.

She looked down at her ruined home world.

Shanyae was dying. It was a vivid bruise purple instead of the normal rainbow. Forked lightning split the skies. It was a nightmare come true.

She flew off into the space in between, vowing to fix her world.

She wanted to destroy the creatures. Yet she didn't want to disobey her mother's last wish.

Her mind in turmoil, she flew off.

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