Halloween Town

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((Ack haven't updated in forever))

"Welcome to Halloween Town!"

Iris tilted her head. The name certainly matched with the theme, she thought.

"And who might you be?" She asked the two standing in front of her.

"My name, " said the tall, thin one, "is Jack Skellington. I run this place. This here is the Mayor. He's my second in command."

The mayor looked at her, and she could see suspicion in his gaze.

"But Jack...what if she's one of them?"

"Them? Who's them? Whoever your talking about, I'm not one of them. In fact, that's actually part of the reason I ended up here. Whatever's wrong with this world, I'll help you."

Jack and the mayor looked at her.  "Really?" Asked the mayor and Jack in unison.

"Yes. I'm here to help." Iris said.

"Well, if you're really here to help, thank goodness you came! This creature epidemic is getting out of hand..."

"Wait... describe these creatures."
Iris said.

"Well, some of them are like mummies, all disporportionate. Some are like ghosts. And others, are little black creatures with lamplike yellow eyes. Almost as bright as our moon!"

Iris' eyes widened. So those creatures from Traverse Town were here, and it sounded like there were some new ones too.

"Point me to the root of the problem. I'll look into it." She said, determinedly.

"Thank you, really. I owe you." Said Jack.

The mayor pointed to the pathway to a graveyard. "The monsters seemed to be coming from there, mostly."

Iris nodded, and walked towards the graveyard. She had to admit, this place was kind of cool. Even though it was a little scary.

When she reached the graveyard, she peeked in...

And almost got blasted by a huge creature.

The creature was an ugly one. It was seemingly made out of metal. Its long, skinny arms ended in long sharp claws. Its face was reminiscent of a knights helmet, if knight helmets had a stitch down the middle and a hat seemingly made from bandages. It's lower half consisted of nothing but a cage, holding three small figures.

"So this is the cause of the problems, eh?" Iris thought. She pulled out her wand as the thing turned to face her. "Come on you monster. Let's dance!" She yelled, and charged.

The monster made the first move, but first it did something strange - it took the cage and shook it, dumping one of the small figures into it's mouth. A second later, it flew right at her, it's claws glowing green.

Iris barely blocked its first strike, sending a blast of ice magic to freeze it. It hit its arm, but had almost no effect because the creature shook it off like it was nothing. It swiped at her again. This time she countered with a blast of light. It screeched and its light effect dropped, and the little figure appeared in the cage again.

"Another one of those things?" She thought. "they can only be truly hurt by light magic..."

(Time skip because author Chan is too lazy to write the whole thing lololololol)

Iris watched as the thing shrieked one last time, and burst into nothingness. She slumped down, as the fight had tired her out.

The thing had dropped the three small figures, but they had run off before she could talk to them.

She sat against a gravestone and thought.

These creatures, the ones she kept having to fight.

Who were they?

She didn't stay in Halloween Town for long.

After she had gone back to report the creature was gone, She had taken the the In Between again.

She didn't know what the future had in store for her next.

But she wasn't sure she was ready.

The Girl With Wings Like Glass (A Kingdom Hearts Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora