Krystallvael, Part 1

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Iris and Omi had been flying for a while through space, and both were getting rather bored.

They saw a clutch of space rock just drifting, and alighted onto it.

Iris gently pet Omi's scales, and Omi purred in response, laying her head down. Omi was tired, as she had been flying for a bit, more than she flew regularly.

Iris took the time to fix her wings a little, as they had gotten a bit ruffled. A blue scale needed to be pushed into place. A green one needed to be straightened. A yellow one needed a leaf disloged from it.... The list went on for a little while. But soon her wings were fixed. By that time, Omi had fallen asleep, making the most adorable little purring snore. Iris, not feeling tired, smiled and simply watched the miasma around them slowly drift past.

In a way, it was a hypnotising sort of beautiful.

They drifted like that for who knows how long. Omi slept, Iris watched, time passed.

And passed

And passed

And passed...

Iris found herself falling asleep.

The next thing she knew, Omi was nudging her awake, agitated for some reason.

Iris sat up, only to see an amazing sight.

Another island! This one was much, much different though.

It had a deep valley right down the center of it. And in the valley-

Faries. However, not Shanyae faries. They were a bit bigger, Iris estimated she would come up to about their chests. And their wings were different - less like butterflies and more like the wings of a dragonfly. And not made of scales, like hers.

And Crystal. So much crystal! Clumps were growing from the ground, as well as in the walls of the valley. Yes there was greenery. But the amount of crystal was overwhelming, And in every color of the rainbow.

Then she noticed that their little rock was drifting towards the valley. Rapidly.

The faries seemed to be pulling in the space rocks drifting by. She saw many doing that to others.

Then when someone saw Iris and Omi, that's when things started to happen.

All started flitting around, seemingly in panic. Or curiosity?Iris didn't really know.

As their little rock started to drift closer she could hear their voices a little. They seemed to share the same language as all she had met on the trip, but...Iris only caught snatches of what they were saying.

None of it sounded very friendly.

Iris clung to Omi, as their little rock finally reached the shore. What they were greeted by were spears, wielded by what looked like warriors.

The tallest one came up to the front. Even though he was only a bit taller than her, as she did come up to only his chest, he radiated a powerful aura that made Iris step back a little, putting a hand on Omi's facial horn to keep her calm.

He watched her for a second then spoke:
"Who art thee and who is this beast? doth thee seek to bringeth harm to our fair valley?"

Iris cocked her head. She had never heard such a fancy way of speaking before. She understood mostly what they were saying, though.

"My name is Iris Tourmaline. And this is Omisha. Or Omi. We are not here to harm you. We ended up here purely by chance."
She held up her hands to show she had no weapons.

"Thee behold like us yet thee eke behold so different, not only by thy wings, but by thy dialect. Whither doth you hail from?"

"I am from the world Shanyae, sadly my race has all but died. You may know me as a Blue - Blood." She used the more common slang word for her race.

The man paused, then spoke. "Nev'r has't I hath heard of a Blue Blood fae, nor has't I hath heard of any world hath called Shanyae."

He came closer, but Omi snarled and bared her teeth. The fae raised their spears in response.

"Whoa! Hang on. Omi is friendly!" Iris said.

"Art thee sure this creature wilt not attack? We shan't risk the safety of our kinsfolk if't be true this beast is hostile"

"I promise you, she won't attack unless she herself or I am threatened. Lower your weapons."

The fae looked at one another before doing so.

"Thee must excuse our caution. Thither has't been strange creatures amok lately. We hasn't been taking no chances."

Iris felt her heart drop all the way to her feet. "Creatures? What do they look like?"

"Those twisted beings behold like sinister shadows, evil demons who has't crawled straight from the netherworld to torment our fair city and destroy our people!"

"We have a common enemy then."

"What doth thee mean?"

"I am also fighting against those creatures. They destroyed my world, so much that it could never recover. I am the last surviving member of my race. I Believe their rulers, if they have any...took my best friend." She closed her eyes.

"I am my most humble apology to heareth of thy loss of not only thy best cousin, but of thy people as well. Those creatures hath already killed many of our brethen. Their numbers groweth by day and we doth not has't an effective solution to rid ourselves of these folk."

"I - I can help you. I know that light magic hurts them the most. If I can speak with your leader I can better assess the situation." Iris said.

The man thought about it. "Wilt thee promise not to bring harm upon any of our people? And to keepeth your beast under control?"

"I promise. Omi will not lay a single claw upon any of your people." She petted Omi to calm her some more.

Omi was nervous, but didn't seem to be a threat then and there.

"Very well. I wilt taketh thee to see our beloved king and our fair queen. Thou mayest refer to me as Ulus. Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Iris."

Iris bowed slightly to him. "It is nice to meet you too, Sir Ulus."

He nodded and then beckoned. "Come. Time is passing."

As Iris led Omi, and Ulus led Iris, She wondered what adventures and dangers awaited her in this wonderful new world.

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